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Intervention on item 4 Kanyinke SENA - -Chair of the UNPFII - EN - | World Conference on Indigenous Peoples | |
00b-Informe sobre el 11° período de sesiones Megan DAVIS - -Relatora. Consejo Económico y Social. E/2012/43 E/C.19/2012/13 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - ES - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
00a-Report on the eleventh session Megan DAVIS - -Rapporteur. Economic and Social Council. E/2012/43-E/C.19/2012/13 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
08c-Recommandations dans le point 9 Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Travaux futurs, y compris les questions intéressant le Conseil économique et social et les questions nouvelles. E/C.19/2012/L.6 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - FR - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
08b-Recomendaciones en el punto 9 Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Labor futura del Foro Permanente, incluidas las cuestiones relacionadas con el Consejo Económico y Social y nuevas cuestiones. E/C.19/2012/L.6 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - ES - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
01c-Projet de rapport de la 11ème session Megan DAVIS - -Rapporteuse. E/C.19/2012/L.8 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - FR - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
01b-Proyecto de informe de la 11a sesión Megan DAVIS - -Relatora. E/C.19/2012/L.8 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - ES - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
08a-Recommendations on the item 9 Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues of the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues. E/C.19/2012/L.6 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
01a-Draft report of the 11th session Megan DAVIS - -Rapporteur. E/C.19/2012/L.8 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|11-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Statement on item 8 Aike Niilas PEDER SELFORS - -Arctic Caucus 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|08-Half-day discussion on Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
02b-Nota sobre Prioridades y temas actuales UNPFII - -Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas, 2012. Temas 3, 4 y 9 del programa provisional. E/C.19/2012/2 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|00-Reference & related documents - ES - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Human rights , World Conference on Indigenous Peoples | |
02c-Note sur les Priorités et thèmes actuels UNPFII - -Instance permanente sur les questions autochtones, 2012. Points 3, 4 et 9 de l’ordre du jour provisoire. E/C.19/2012/2 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|00-Reference & related documents - FR - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Human rights , World Conference on Indigenous Peoples | |
02a-Note on Ongoing priorities and themes UNPFII - -Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 2012. Items 3, 4 and 9 of the provisional agenda. E/C.19/2012/2 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|00-Reference & related documents - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Human rights , World Conference on Indigenous Peoples | |
01c-Rapport sur les travaux de la dixième session Paimaneh HASTEH - -Rapporteuse. Membre du UNPFII. E/C.19/2011/14 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2011|10-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its tenth session - FR - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
01b-Informe sobre el décimo período de sesiones Paimaneh HASTEH - -Relatora. Miembro del UNPFII. E/C.19/2011/14 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2011|10-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its tenth session - ES - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
01a-Report on the tenth session Paimaneh HASTEH - -Rapporteur. Member of the UNPFII. E/C.19/2011/14 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2011|10-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its tenth session - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
07-Draft report : Future work = Labor futura = Travaux futurs Paimaneh HASTEH - -Rapporteur of the PF 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2011|10-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its tenth session - EN ES FR RU - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
02-Draft report: Follow-up to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum on economic and social development, environment and free, prior and informed consent = Seguimiento de las recomendaciones del Foro Permanente sobre el desarrollo económico y social, el medio ambiente y el consentimiento libre, previo e informado = Suite donnée aux recommandations de l’Instance permanente concernant le développement économique et social, l’environnement et le consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause Paimaneh HASTEH - -Rapporteur of the PF 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2011|10-Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its tenth session - EN ES FR RU - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Development , Environment , Free, prior & informed consent | |
UN Legal Standards Application towards the Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine Borys BABIN Anna PRYKHODKO - -International Humanitarian University 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2017 - 10th session|00 Reference & related documents - EN - | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Human Rights , Indigenous Rights , Crimea |