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Statement IITC - -International Indian Treaty Council 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2003|05-Standard-setting - EN - | Self-determination , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | |
Free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples : preliminary working paper = Consentimiento previo de los pueblos indígenas fundamentado y dado libremente : documento de trabajo preliminar= Consentement préalable donné librement et en connaissance de cause des peuples autochtones : document de travail préliminaire Antoanella-Iulia MOTOC Tebtebba Foundation - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/4. Standard-Setting English (p.1-13), Español (p.14-26), Français (p.27-39), Russian (p.40-56) - 1-Essentials|FPIC Papers EN ES FR RU - | Free, prior & informed consent | |
Free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples : expanded working paper Antoanella-Iulia MOTOC Tebtebba Foundation - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2005/WP.1 - 1-Essentials|FPIC Papers EN - | Free, prior & informed consent | |
Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and the Right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent Andrea CARMEN - -International Indian Treaty Council. Document presented on the Symposium on the Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Vancouver, February 2008 - 7-UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|07-Implementation & related documents EN - | Free, prior & informed consent | |
01c-Rapport du Groupe de travail sur les populations autochtones sur les travaux de sa vingt-troisième session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Président-Rapporteur. Genève, 18-22 juillet 2005. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/26 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2005|09-Adoption of the report. - FR - | ||
01b-Informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre las Poblaciones Indígenas acerca de su 23º período de sesiones Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Presidente-Relator. Ginebra, 18 a 22 de julio de 2005. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/26 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2005|09-Adoption of the report. - ES - | ||
01d-Доклад Рабочей группы по коренным народам о работе ее двадцать третьей сессии Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Председатель-докладчик. Женева, 18-22 июля 2005 года. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/26 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2005|09-Adoption of the report. - RU - | ||
01a-Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations on its twenty-third session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Chairperson-Rapporteur. Geneva, 18-22 July 2005. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/26 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2005|09-Adoption of the report. - EN - | ||
01d-Доклад Рабочей группы по коренным народам о работе ее двадцать второй сессии Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Председатель-докладчик. 3 August 2004. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/28 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|08-Adoption of the report - RU - | ||
01c-Rapport du Groupe de travail sur les populations autochtones sur les travaux de sa vingt-deuxième session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Président-Rapporteur. 3 août 2004. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/28 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|08-Adoption of the report - FR - | ||
01b-Informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre las Poblaciones Indígenas acerca de su 22º período de sesiones Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Presidente-Relator. 3 de agosto de 2004. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/28 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|08-Adoption of the report - ES - | ||
01a-Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations on its twenty-second session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Chairperson-Rapporteur. 3 August 2004. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/28 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|08-Adoption of the report - EN - | ||
01b-Informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre las Poblaciones Indígenas acerca de su 21º período de sesiones Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Presidente-Relator. 11 de agosto de 2003. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/22 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2003|08-Adoption of the report - ES - | ||
01a-Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations on its twenty-first session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Chairperson-Rapporteur. 11 August 2003. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/22 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2003|08-Adoption of the report - EN - | ||
01c-Rapport du Groupe de travail sur les populations autochtones sur les travaux de sa vingt et unième session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Président-Rapporteur. 11 août 2003. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/22 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2003|08-Adoption of the report - FR - | ||
01d-Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations on its twenty-first session (Russian version) Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Chairperson-Rapporteur. 11 August 2003. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/22 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2003|08-Adoption of the report - RU - | ||
01b-Informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre las Poblaciones Indígenas acerca de su 20º período de sesiones Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Presidente-Relator. 8 de agosto de 2002. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/24 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2002|09-Adoption of the report of the Working Group on its twentieth session - ES - | ||
01c-Rapport du Groupe de travail sur les populations autochtones sur les travaux de sa vingtième session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Président-Rapporteur. 8 août 2002. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/24 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2002|09-Adoption of the report of the Working Group on its twentieth session - FR - | ||
01a-Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations on its twentieth session Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Chairperson-Rapporteur. 8 August 2002. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/24 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2002|09-Adoption of the report of the Working Group on its twentieth session - EN - |