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Nombre de mots: huilcaman: 41, aucan: 55
23 documents satisfont la requête.
Voir le document au format PDF Derechos de los pueblos indígenas en América Latina y el Caribe en el marco de las medidas excepcionales adoptadas durante la pandemia
Darío José Mejía Montalvo - -
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2021|02-Item 7 Future work of the Permanent Forum|Reports -
ES -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Indigenous Rights , South America , Central America
Voir le document au format PDF Droits des peuples autochtones d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes dans le contexte des mesures exceptionnelles adoptées pendant la pandémie
Darío José Mejía Montalvo - -
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2021|02-Item 7 Future work of the Permanent Forum|Reports -
FR -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Indigenous Rights , South America , Central America
Voir le document au format PDF The rights of indigenous peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the exceptional measures adopted during the pandemic
Darío José Mejía Montalvo - -
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2021|02-Item 7 Future work of the Permanent Forum|Reports -
EN -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Indigenous Rights , South America , Central America
Voir le document au format PDF Intervención en el punto 8
Aucan Huilcaman PAILLAMA - -Consejo de Todas las Tierras
03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2015 - 8th session|08-United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -
ES -
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Mapuche
Voir le document au format PDF 07-Informe de las victimas, de comunidades y organizaciones Mapuche sobre la Discriminación Racial CERD - Chile
Victor Ancalaf LLAUPE Victor QUIPUL Aucan Huilcaman PAILLAMA - -Y otros representantes mapuches (ver fin documento)
05.Treaty Bodies|CERD|2013 - 83th|Chile|Indigenous and other organizations -
ES -
GEO|Chile , IP|Mapuche , Land invasion
Voir le document au format PDF Intervención en el punto 6
Aucan Huilcaman PAILLAMA - -Consejo de Todas las Tierras
03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2012 - 5th session|06-United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -
ES -
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Voir le document au format PDF Declaración
Aucan Huilcaman PAILLAMA - -Consejo de Todas las Tierra
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|03-Discussion on the special theme for the year: The Doctrine of Discovery... -
ES -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Chile , IP|Mapuche , Doctrine of Discovery
Voir le document au format PDF Informe Mesa Mapuche chile CERD75 sp
- -
Voir le document au format PDF Submission
UNPO - -Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|HRC Universal Periodic Review|05th session (4-15 May 2009)|Chile|Stakeholders' submissions -
EN -
Universal Periodic Review , GEO|Chile , IP|Mapuche
Voir le document au format PDF Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous populations = Estudio sobre los tratados, convenios y otros acuerdos constructivos entre los Estados y las poblaciones indígenas = Étude des traités, accords et autres arrangements constructifs entre les États et les populations autochtones. Final report
Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Special Rapporteur. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/20
English(p.1-57), Español(p.58-117), Français(p.118-179), Russian(p.180-251)
- 1-Essentials|Miguel A. Martinez Papers
Voir le document au format PDF 14-El Consentimiento y las enmiendas a la Declaración de Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas
Aucan Huilcaman PAILLAMA - -Consejo de Todas las Tierras
- 7-UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|03-Global Indigenous Peoples' Caucus Consultation On The Declaration
ES -
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Voir le document au format PDF 13-Posicion de las organizaciones de los pueblos indígenas de Centro y Sur América sobre la Declaracion de los Derechos de Los Pueblos Indígenas
Consejo de Todas las Tierras - Área Mujer Mapuche - Consejo Aymara de Arica - CONAIE - -Y otras organizaciones indígenas
- 7-UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|03-Global Indigenous Peoples' Caucus Consultation On The Declaration
ES -
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Voir le document au format PDF 06d-Доклад о работе Семинара экспертов на тему "Коренные народы и отправление правосудия"
Tomás ALARCON - -Председатель-Докладчик. Мадрид, 12-14 ноября 2003 года. E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/6
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents -
RU -
Voir le document au format PDF 06a-Report on the Expert Seminar on Indigenous Peoples and the Administration of Justice
Tomás ALARCON - -Chairperson-Rapporteur. Madrid, 12-14 November 2003. E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/6
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents -
EN -
Voir le document au format PDF 06c-Rapport du Séminaire d.experts sur les peuples autochtones et l’administration de la justice
Tomás ALARCON - -Président-Rapporteur. Madrid, 12-14 novembre 2003. E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/6
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents -
FR -
Voir le document au format PDF 06b-Informe sobre el Seminario de Expertos sobre Pueblos Indígenas y la Administración de Justicia
Tomás ALARCON - -Presidente-Relator. Madrid, del 12 al 14 de noviembre de 2003. E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/6
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents -
ES -
Voir le document au format PDF Declaracíon de representante de Chile
Pedro OYARCE - -Chile. Government
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|1992| 05-Review of developments pertaining to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of IP -
ES -
Working Group , Chile
Voir le document au format PDF Intervencion
Aukin Wallmapu Ngulam - -
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|1991| Statements -
ES -
Working Group , South America
Voir le document au format PDF Ponencia
Nelly AYENAO - -Aukin Wallmapu Ngulam ;Consejo de Todas las Tierras Mapuche
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|1992| 05-Review of developments pertaining to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of IP -
ES -
Working Group , South America , Chile , Mapuche
Voir le document au format PDF Intervención
03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2018 - 11th session|04 Study and advance on free, prior and informed consent -
ES -
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Free, prior & informed consent , Indigenous Rights