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Criminalización de los derechos humanos de los Pueblos Indígenas Naw Ei Ei Min Rodrigo PAILLALEF - - 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2024|00-Studies - ES - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Криминализация прав человека коренных народов Naw Ei Ei Min Rodrigo PAILLALEF - - 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2024|00-Studies - RU - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Criminalisation des droits humains des peuples autochtones Naw Ei Ei Min Rodrigo PAILLALEF - - 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2024|00-Studies - FR - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Criminalization of Indigenous Peoples’ human rights Naw Ei Ei Min Rodrigo PAILLALEF - - 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2024|00-Studies - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
01-Symposium on Indigenous Peoples at the UN : transcription of the debates = Simposio Pueblos Indígenas y NU : transcripción de los debates doCip - -Room XVI, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 10-13 September 2013. Provisional transcription - 5-Symposium on Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations|2013|2-Program, Debates and participants EN ES - | ||
10c- Questions transfrontières, y compris la reconnaissance du droit des peuples autochtones de se livrer au commerce de biens et de services au-delà des frontières et des zones militarisées Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Point 8 de l’ordre du jour provisoire. E/C.19/2015/9 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2015|00-Reference & related documents - FR - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Borders , Military occupation | |
10b-Cuestiones transfronterizas, incluido el reconocimiento del derecho de los pueblos indígenas al comercio de bienes y servicios a través de las fronteras y en zonas militarizadas Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Tema 8 del programa provisional. E/C.19/2015/9 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2015|00-Reference & related documents - ES - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Borders , Military occupation | |
10d-Трансграничные вопросы, включая признание права коренных народов на трансграничную торговлю товарами и услугами и ее осуществление через милитаризованные районы Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Пункт 8 предварительной повестки дня. E/C.19/2015/9 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2015|00-Reference & related documents - RU - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Borders , Military occupation | |
10a-Cross-border issues, including recognition of the right of indigenous peoples to trade in goods and services across borders and militarized areas Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Item 8 of the provisional agenda. E/C.19/2015/9 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2015|00-Reference & related documents - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Borders , Military occupation | |
Joint Submission to the URR Indonesia - -Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara, Perkumpulan untuk Pembaharuan Hukum Berbasis Masyarakat dan Ekologis, Wahana Lingkungan Hidup and other indigenous and related organizations 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|HRC Universal Periodic Review|13th session (21 May–4 June 2012)|Indonesia|Stakeholders' submissions - EN - | Universal Periodic Review , GEO|Indonesia , Discrimination , Deforestation , Environmental degradation | |
04b-Compilación de jurisprudencia de los Órganos de los Tratados de la ONU y de las recomendaciones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos Fergus MACKAY - -Volumen IV, 2009-2010 05.Treaty Bodies|00-Reference & related documents|01-Compilation of UN Treaty Body Jurisprudence - ES - | ||
04a-A Compilation of UN Treaty Body Jurisprudence and the Recommendations of the Human Rights Council Fergus MACKAY - -Volume IV, 2009-2010 05.Treaty Bodies|00-Reference & related documents|01-Compilation of UN Treaty Body Jurisprudence - EN - | ||
Free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples : preliminary working paper = Consentimiento previo de los pueblos indígenas fundamentado y dado libremente : documento de trabajo preliminar= Consentement préalable donné librement et en connaissance de cause des peuples autochtones : document de travail préliminaire Antoanella-Iulia MOTOC Tebtebba Foundation - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/4. Standard-Setting English (p.1-13), Español (p.14-26), Français (p.27-39), Russian (p.40-56) - 1-Essentials|FPIC Papers EN ES FR RU - | Free, prior & informed consent | |
Free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples : expanded working paper Antoanella-Iulia MOTOC Tebtebba Foundation - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2005/WP.1 - 1-Essentials|FPIC Papers EN - | Free, prior & informed consent | |
01-Perspectivas, experiencias y prácticas en la protección de los conocimientos tradicionales y expresiones culturales de las comunidades indigenas: estudio regional en los paises andinos Rodrigo DE LA CRUZ - -Consultor Regional Indígena Países Andinos, Regional Office for South America, The World Conservation Union (IUCN) 08.WIPO - OMPI|2006|IGC-10|Indigenous Panel - ES - | Traditional knowledge , Genetic resources | |
05a-A Compilation of UN Treaty Body Jurisprudence, the Recommendations of the Human Rights Council and its Special Procedures, and the Advice of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Fergus MACKAY - -Volume V, 2011-2012 05.Treaty Bodies|00-Reference & related documents|01-Compilation of UN Treaty Body Jurisprudence - EN - | ||
05b-Compilación de jurisprudencia de los órganos de los Tratados de la ONU y de las recomendaciones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos y sus procedimientos especiales y de la asesoría del Mecanismo de Expertos sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas Fergus MACKAY - -Volumen V, 2011-2012 05.Treaty Bodies|00-Reference & related documents|01-Compilation of UN Treaty Body Jurisprudence - ES - |