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Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2016|03-Follow-up on the recommendations of the Permanent Forum - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|India , Human Rights | |
Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Centre for Research and Advocacy 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2016|04-Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Human Rights , Land rights , GEO|India | |
z-Statememt on item 5 Jiten YUMNAM - -Land is Life, Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur, Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network, Human Rights Initiative, Committee on Human Rights and Life Watch No read during the session. Pre-registered in the list of speakers 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2014|05-Half-day discussion on the Asian region - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|India , Self-determination | |
03a-Communications sent, replies received and follow-up. Addendum to the Report James ANAYA - -Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples. A/HRC/18/35/Add.1 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Human Rights Council Sessions|18th session (12 - 30 September 2011)|03-Item 3. Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development|1a-Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people. Reports - EN ES - | GEO|Chile , GEO|Costa Rica , GEO|Ethiopia , GEO|Guatemala , GEO|Israel , GEO|Malaysia , GEO|Mexico , GEO|Thailand , GEO|United States of America | |
Statement on item 3c Jiten YUMNAM - -Asia Caucus 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2011|03c-Free, prior and informed consent (Follow-up) - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Free, prior & informed consent | |
Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Asia Caucus 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2010|06-Comprehensive dialogue with six United Nations agencies and funds - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Recommendation to OHCHR Jiten YUMNAM - -Forum for Indigenous Perspectives and Action, Manipur 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2009|06-Comprehensive dialogue with six United Nations agencies and funds - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Joint Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Forum for Indigenous Perspectives and Action, Manipur, Ogiek Cultural Initiatives Program, Kenya and the Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network, Philippines 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2009|03a-Economic and social development (Follow-up to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum) - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|India , Military occupation , Displacement | |
Statement on Agenda item 4f Jiten YUMNAM - -Centre for Organization Research and Education (CORE) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2003|04f-Education (Mandated areas) - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Education , Children , Language , Traditional knowledge | |
Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Centre for Organization Research and Education (CORE) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2003|04d-Human rights (Mandated areas) - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Human rights , Military occupation | |
Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network (APIYN) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2003|04b-Environment (Mandated areas) - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environment | |
Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Forum for Indigenous Perspectives and Action, Manipur 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2007|09-Future work of the Permanent Forum including emerging issues - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Military occupation | |
Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2007|05-Human rights: dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Military occupation , Military atrocities , Sexual violence , Arbitrary detention | |
Statement Jiten YUMNAM - -Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2016|05-Discussion on the theme Indigenous Peoples - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|India , Human Rights |