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Nombre de mots: wilson: 195, littlechild: 839
8 documents satisfont la requête.
Voir le document au format PDF Statement on Study on the Iinks between indigenous rights, truth commissions and other truth-seeking mechanisms on the American continent
Wilton LITTLECHILD - -Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2013|06-Discussion on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples -
EN -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Voir le document au format PDF 13a-Study on the rights of indigenous peoples and truth commissions and other truth-seeking mechanisms on the American continent
Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Item 6. Discussion on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. E/C.19/2013/13
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2013|00-Reference & related documents -
EN -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Voir le document au format PDF 13c-Étude sur les droits des peuples autochtones, les commissions de vérité et les autres mécanismes de cet ordre sur le continent américain
Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Point 6. Débat sur la Conférence mondiale sur les peuples autochtones. E/C.19/2013/13
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2013|00-Reference & related documents -
FR -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Voir le document au format PDF 13b-Estudio sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y las comisiones de la verdad y otros mecanismos de búsqueda de la verdad en el continente americano
Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - -Item 6.Debate sobre la Conferencia Mundial sobre los Pueblos Indígenas. E/C.19/2013/13
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2013|00-Reference & related documents -
ES -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Voir le document au format PDF Statement
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2010|05-Half-day discussion on North America -
EN -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Canada , GEO|United States of America , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Voir le document au format PDF Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous populations = Estudio sobre los tratados, convenios y otros acuerdos constructivos entre los Estados y las poblaciones indígenas = Étude des traités, accords et autres arrangements constructifs entre les États et les populations autochtones. Final report
Miguel ALFONSO MARTINEZ - -Special Rapporteur. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/20
English(p.1-57), Español(p.58-117), Français(p.118-179), Russian(p.180-251)
- 1-Essentials|Miguel A. Martinez Papers
Voir le document au format PDF Speakers'List
UN Secretariat - -
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2018|10-Human rights, Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of IP -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Voir le document au format PDF Statement
Carolyn BENNETT - -Canada Ministry of Indigenous and Northern Affairs
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2016|04-Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum -
EN -
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Canada , Human Rights