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Presentation Santos MERO - -Cordillera Peoples Alliance 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Business and Human Rights|Forum on Business and Human Rights 2017 – 6th session|03-Panel Adressing Impacts on Indigenous Peoples in Asia - EN - | Human Rights , Extractive industries , Environmental degradation | |
z-Statement on Roundtable 3 Windel BOLINGET - -Cordillera Peoples Alliance 10.World Conference on Indigenous Peoples|0-High-level plenary meeting on the GA. NY, 22-23 September 2014|3-Roundtable 3 - Indigenous peoples’ lands, territories and resources - EN - | World Conference on Indigenous Peoples , GEO|Philippines , Ancestral lands , Collective rights , Free, prior & informed consent | |
19-Statement on Roundtable 2 Windel BOLINGET - -Cordillera Peoples Alliance 10.World Conference on Indigenous Peoples|0-High-level plenary meeting on the GA. NY, 22-23 September 2014|2-Roundtable 2 - Implementing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the national and local level - EN - | World Conference on Indigenous Peoples , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , GEO|Philippines , Militarization | |
Statement on item 8 - -Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), Asia PaciJic Indigenous YouthNetwork (APIYN), Cordillera People's Alliance (CPA),, Kalipunan ng mga Katutubong Mamama)'an ng Pilipinas (KAMP), the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), Land is Life, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2013|08-Future work of the Permanent Forum - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Statement. Agreement between State and Indigenous Peoples: Implementation Status of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord, Bangladesh Binota Moy DHAMAI - -Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum 02.Expert Seminar on Treaties, Agreements and other Constructive Arrangements between States and Indigenous Peoples|2012|2-Session II: Highlights on country-level experiences|Asia-Pacific - EN - | GEO|Bangladesh , IP|Jumma , Treaties | |
Intervention on Item 4 Windel BOLINGET - -Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2012|04a-Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - EN - | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
Statement Windel BOLINGET - -Cordillera Peoples Alliance 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2003|04b-Principal theme: "Indigenous peoples and globalization” (Review of developments) - EN - | GEO|Philippines , Globalization , Extractive industries , Dams , Environmental degradation | |
declaration food souv09 - - - 3-IP Declarations|2009 - | ||
02-Report of the Special Rapporteur. Addendum 1 : Summary of cases transmitted to Governments and replies received. A/HRC/4/32/Add.1 Rodolfo STAVENHAGEN - -Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people. A/HRC/4/32/Add.1 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Human Rights Council Sessions|04th session (march 12-30 2007)|Special Rapporteur documents - EN ES FR - | ||
08c-Fonds de contributions volontaires des Nations Unies pour les populations autochtones - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/8 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents - FR - | ||
08d-Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations (Russian version) - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/8 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents - RU - | ||
08a- Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/8 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents - EN - | ||
08b-Fondo Voluntario para las Poblaciones Indígenas - -E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/8 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|00-Reference & related documents - ES - |