|  | Ashí Nugka Apuji Aidau Ijunjag Aents Mujaya, Ikamia Antasag Shuwin Aidau Ayamken Pachis Chicham Jiikmau (Awajún) General Assembly of the United Nations - Traducción al awajún de James Regan, Abel Uwarai et Isaac Paz. Producido por Congreso de la República(Perú)-Comisión de Pueblos Andinos, Amazónicos y Afroperuanos, Ambiente y Ecología : Centro Amazónico de Antropología y aplicación Práctica (CAAAP) - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Awajun |
|  | Birlesken Milletler Teskilâtiniň temel halqlarnıň haq-huquqları haqqında beyannamesi (Tatar) General Assembly of the United Nations - Crimean tatar version. Provided by the Foundation of Research and Support of Indigenous Peoples of Crimea - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Tatar |
|  | Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas (Náhuatl) General Assembly of the United Nations - Traducido al Náhuatl Mexicano de la Huasteca Hidalguense por Eliazar Hernández Hernández, Comunidad: Huextetitla, Orizatlán, Hidalgo Fuemte : CINU - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Nahua |
|  | Declaración Naciones Unidas Oguenohêva Ñande Ypykuéra Derecho Rehegua (Guaraní) General Assembly of the United Nations - Traducida al Guaraní. UNDP Paraguay - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Guarani |
|  | Dule Gweburmar E Sanburba Sabgued Igar Gweburmar Na Atosmalad (ONU) E Gadga Imaksad General Assembly of the United Nations - Traducción a la lengua Kuna de Reuter Orán Bodin - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Kuna |
|  | Garasa edjahe Verenigde Naties to kalemehe hama lokono kaketsieno kamonisa General Assembly of the United Nations - Translation Into Arowak (Lokono) Language. Provided by UNDP Suriname - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Arawak |
|  | Indigenala Naaju Deechu Tadeeñuba Naciones Unidas, Kuinda Faawara (Cha'palaa) General Assembly of the United Nations - Transl. to Cha'palaa (Ecuador). Provided by UNICEF, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Chachi |
|  | Kuntri Nani Asla Takanka Indian Uplika nani Raitka dukiara Lâ ulbi Sakanka daukan ba General Assembly of the United Nations - United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples : Miskito language. Organización Indígena Wangki Tangni de la Costa Atlántica Norte de Nicaragua. Translated by Dionicio Melgara Brawn - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Miskito |
|  | Mashinaikan anite petshitinahk aimunnu utshimauat ka mamuituht anite Nations Unies nenua ut utipenitamunnua nutim innua (Innu) General Assembly of the United Nations - Traduit en langue innue et distribué par l’Institut Tshakapesh et le Conseil des Innu de Nitasinam - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Innu |
|  | Moro V.N. ne’popo auranano (Carib) General Assembly of the United Nations - Translation Into Carib (Karina) Language. Provided by UNDP Suriname - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Carib |
|  | Noa jonikonbo itan wetsa join yoyo ikaibo jaki chipoti Naciones Unidasnin jishti aka (shipibo-conibo) General Assembly of the United Nations - Traducción al shipibo-conibo por Ketty Sánchez y Aquiles Vásquez. Producido por Congreso de la República(Perú)-Comisión de Pueblos Andinos, Amazónicos y Afroperuanos, Ambiente y Ecología : Centro Amazónico de Antropología y aplicación Práctica (CAAAP) - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Shipibo-Conibo |
|  | Nunat Inoqqaavisa Pisinnaatitaaffii pillugit Naalagaaffiit Peqatigiit Nalunaarutaat General Assembly of the United Nations - Greenlandic version. Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC Greenland). Provided by the Greenland Home Rule Government - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Inuit |
|  | Obaemantakotiro Nampitsi Apotojetanchari Ekantakota Otampatiketi Inampi Asháninka General Assembly of the United Nations - Translated to asháninka by Pablo Jacinto, Nery Pachari and Yoni Garcia Rivera. Distr. by Chirapac - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Asháninka |
|  | Pachantin Ayllu Llaqtakunapaq Allin Kananpaq Hatu Kamachiy Willakuy General Assembly of the United Nations - Translated to quechua (runa simi), by Noemí Vizcardo. Distr. by Chirapac - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Quechua |
|  | Taqi Jaqi Markataki Wakiskiri Chiqapa Qillqata Qhanancha (Aymara) General Assembly of the United Nations - Traducción al aymará coordinada por Adán Pari Rodríguez y efectuada por Vitaliano Huanca Torrez (SNAP: Programa Aymara) y Heriberto Calle Pairumana (Consultor Ministerio de la Presidencia). Producida por la Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indígenas Originarias Campesinas de Bolivia, COINCABOL : CSUCTB - FNMCIOB “BS“ - CSCB - CIDOB - CONAMAQ - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Aymara |
|  | Te Whakapuakitanga o te Runanga Whakakotahi i nga Iwi o te Ao mo nga Tika o nga Iwi Taketake (Maori) General Assembly of the United Nations - Maori version. Te Kahui Tika Tangata (Human Rights Commission), New Zealand - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Maori |
|  | United Nations Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples (Aucan Language) General Assembly of the United Nations - Aucan Language version. Provided by UNDP Suriname - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | United Nations Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples (Trio Language) General Assembly of the United Nations - Translation Into Trio Language. Provided by UNDP Suriname - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Verenigde Naties (palasisi) epohnëptop wayana tom pëk (UNDRIP, Wajana Language) General Assembly of the United Nations - Translation Into Wajana Language. Provided by UNDP Suriname - | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Wayana |