| | UN Organisations | |
 |  | | UNFCCC | |
|  | Establishment of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change United Nations - - UNFCCC 06.UNCED (Rio Earth Summit) EN | Climate change |
|  | Statement UNFCCC - - 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2019|07-Item 12 Outcome document of the World Conference on IPs EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Traditional Knowledge , COP , Climate Change |
|  | Проект доклада Конференции Сторон о работе ее двадцать четвертой сессии Georg Boersting - - 07.UNFCCC| 06 - COP 24 Katowice 2018 RU | Climate Change , Environment |
|  | Draft report of the Conference of the Parties on its twenty-fourth session Georg Boersting - - 07.UNFCCC| 06 - COP 24 Katowice 2018 EN | Climate Change , Environment |
|  | Proyecto de informe de la Conferencia de las Partes sobre su 24 período de sesiones Georg Boersting - - 07.UNFCCC| 06 - COP 24 Katowice 2018 ES | Climate Change , Environment |
|  | Projet de rapport de la 24ème session de la Conférence des Parties Georg Boersting - - 07.UNFCCC| 06 - COP 24 Katowice 2018 FR | Climate Change , Environment |