| | Aboriginal Coalition | |
 | | Aboriginal Education Group | |
 | | Aboriginal Land Council | |
 | | Aboriginal Law Centre | |
 | | Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement | |
 | | Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia - ALSWA | |
 | | Aboriginal Provisional Government | |
 | | Aboriginal Rights Coalition | |
 | | Aboriginal Rights Coalition of Australia | |
 | | Aboriginal Rights Coalition, Australia | |
 | | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | |
 | | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Council - ATSIC | |
 | | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner | |
 | | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Unit | |
 | | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Legal Service - ATSIWLS | |
 | | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Caucus | |
 | | Agence Kanak de Développement | |
 | | Akali Tange Association - ATA | |
 | | Alifuru Council | |
 | | Aotearoa Independant Monitoring Mechanism | |
 | | Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust | |
 | | Aotearoa NZ Independent Monitoring Mechanism | |
 | | Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network | |
 | | Association Pû Fenua | |
 | | Association Pû Metua | |
 | | Association Taata Tumu | |
 | | Association of Norfolk Islanders | |
 | | Australian Aboriginal Delegation | |
 | | Australian Indigenous Business Advisor | |
 | | Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre | |
 | | Australian Indigenous Youth Caucus | |
 | | Awa Associates | |
 | | Bangsa Adat Alifuru | |
 | | Baniata Community | |
 | | Ben Wakefield Trust | |
 | | Central Land Council | |
 | | Climate change and Development Authority | |
 | | Coalition of National Aboriginal Organisation | |
 | | Collectif d'information et de Défense des droits du Peuple Kanak | |
 | | Comite RHEEBU NUU | |
 | | Congrès Coutumier Djubea Kapume | |
 | | Congrès Populaire Coutumier | |
 | | Congrès Populaire Coutumier Kanak | |
 | | Conseil National pour la Gestion des Ressources Naturelles - CAUGERN | |
 | | Conseil National pour les Droits du Peuple Autochtone en Kanaky Nouvelle-Caledonie - CNDPA | |
 | | Deboin Peoples Foundation Inc. - DPF | |
 | | Dewan Adat Papua | |
 | | Federation des ONG en Kanaky, Nouvelle-Caledonie | |
 | | Federation of Independent Aboriginal Education Providers | |
 | | Federation of Matigsalug Manobo Tribal Councils -FEMMATRICs | |
 | | Fiji Indigenous Peoples Foundation | |
 | | First Peoples Disability Network Australia | |
 | | Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action - FAIRA | |
 | | Foundation for Indigenous Recovery and Development Australia - FIRDA | |
 | | Free Papua Movement | |
 | | Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice | |
 | | Guam | |
 | | Gugu Badhun Limited | |
 | | Hawai Institue for Human Rights | |
 | | Hawaii Caucus | |
 | | Hawaii Institute for Human Rights | |
 | | Healing Foundation | |
 | | Hiti Tau | |
 | | Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) | |
 | | IKAPALA Institut Kanak des Plantes, de l'Artisanat et des Langues Autochtones | |
 | | Ilio’ulaokalani Coalition | |
 | | Independent Guaham | |
 | | Independent Monitoring Mechanism for the UN of Aotearoa New Zealand | |
 | | Indigenous Law Centre | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Organisation of Australia | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Organisations Network of Australia | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Organization - Australia | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific Alliance | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples organization - Australia | |
 | | Indigenous Women Aboriginal Corporation - Australia | |
 | | Indigenous Women’s Caucus of Australia | |
 | | Indigenous peoples organisation - Australia | |
 | | Institute for the Advancement of Hawaiian Affairs | |
 | | International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change | |
 | | Ka Lahui Hawai'i | |
 | | Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaian Studies | |
 | | Karu O Te Ika Voyaging Trust | |
 | | Ke Apuni | |
 | | Kimberley Land Council, Australia | |
 | | Knowledgeable Aboriginal Youth Association | |
 | | Koani Foundation | |
 | | Kobe Oser | |
 | | Komihana Tikanga Tangata | |
 | | Lumbu Indigenous Community Foundation | |
 | | Maari Ma Health | |
 | | Maari Ma Health Aboriginal Corporation | |
 | | Maori Education Trust | |
 | | Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre | |
 | | Massey University | |
 | | Melanesian Indigenous Land Defence Alliance - MILDA | |
 | | Menzies School of Health Research | |
 | | Moana House | |
 | | Mokuola Honua: Global Center for Indigenous Languages | |
 | | Monitoring Mechanism of the Iwi Chairs Forum, Aotearoa | |
 | | Moonfish Dance Company | |
 | | Moonfish Productions | |
 | | Māori Party | |
 | | Na Koa Ikaika o ka Lahui Hawaii | |
 | | Nation of Hawaii | |
 | | National Aboriginal & Islander Legal Services Secretariat | |
 | | National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization - NACCHO | |
 | | National Aboriginal Conference Australia | |
 | | National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Services | |
 | | National Aboriginal and Islander Health Organisation | |
 | | National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Services Secretariat -NAILSS | |
 | | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Organisation | |
 | | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker | |
 | | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Consortium | |
 | | National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations | |
 | | National Comittee to Defend Black Rights | |
 | | National Congress of Australia's First Peoples | |
 | | National Federation Land Council | |
 | | National Federation of Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups | |
 | | National Indigenous Higher Education Network | |
 | | National Indigenous Working Group on Native Title - NIWG | |
 | | National Indigenous Youth Movement of Australia | |
 | | National National Federation of Land Councils | |
 | | National Native Title Council - NNTC | |
 | | National Network of Indigenous Women's Legal Services (NNIWLS) | |
 | | National Secretariat of Torres Strait Islander Organisations - NSTSIO | |
 | | New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group | |
 | | New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council | |
 | | New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council - NSWALC | |
 | | New Zealand Human Rights Commission | |
 | | New Zealand Nurses Association | |
 | | Ngai Tamarawaho | |
 | | Noongar, Southwest Australia | |
 | | North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance - NAILSMA | |
 | | Northern Land Council | |
 | | Northern Land Councils | |
 | | Original Sovereign Tribal Federation - OSTF | |
 | | Pacific Caucus | |
 | | Pacific Concerns Resource Centre - PCRC | |
 | | Pacific Disability Caucus | |
 | | Pacific Indigenous Caucus | |
 | | Pacific Indigenous Women's Network | |
 | | Pacific Island Association of Non Government Organization - PIANGO | |
 | | Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors’ Congress | |
 | | Papua Customary Council | |
 | | Papua New Guinea Mining Watch Group Association Inc | |
 | | Porgera Red Wara Women's Association | |
 | | Prganisasi Pribumi Papua Barat | |
 | | Pu Fenua Pu metua | |
 | | Rapa Nui Parliament | |
 | | Retracing our Own Traditions (ROOTS) | |
 | | Save our Song Lands | |
 | | Save our Songlines | |
 | | Save our Unique Landscape | |
 | | Secretariat of the National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care - SNAICC | |
 | | Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples | |
 | | Sovereignty for Hawaii Committee | |
 | | Sénat Coutumier de la Nouvelle-Calédonie | |
 | | Tangentyere Council | |
 | | Te Hika o Papauma | |
 | | Te Karu o Te Ika Voyaging Trust | |
 | | Te Kawau Maro | |
 | | Te Kohanga Reo | |
 | | Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Hoani Waititi Maval | |
 | | Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Ngati Kahungunu o Te Wairoa | |
 | | Te Kuva Kaupapa Maori o Hoani Waititi Maral | |
 | | Te Runanga o Te Rarawa | |
 | | Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu | |
 | | Te Taiharuru | |
 | | Te Wananga o Aotearoa | |
 | | The Moko Foundation | |
 | | The Moko Foundation - To Waikamihi Lambert | |
 | | The Noongar Child Protection Council | |
 | | The Seventh Generation Fund | |
 | | Toputanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa | |
 | | Tora Ni Bau | |
 | | Treaty Tribes Coalition - TTC | |
 | | Tribal Link Foundation Project Access Capacity Building program | |
 | | Tsou People | |
 | | Turkindi - lndigenous lnformation Network of South Australia | |
 | | Tuvalu Association of Non-government organisation | |
 | | Two Feathers International, Aotearoa | |
 | | Union Nationale du Peuple Kanak - UNPK | |
 | | Union syndicale des travailleurs kanaks et des exploités - USTKE | |
 | | United Liberation Movement for West Papua | |
 | | United Nations Association of Australia Queensland Division | |
 | | United Nations Association of Australia- Qld Division | |
 | | University of Western Australia | |
 | | Vanuatu Indigenous Peoples Forum | |
 | | Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service | |
 | | Waikiki Hawaiian Civic Club | |
 | | West Papua Delegation to the UN | |
 | | West Papua Interest Association | |
 | | West Papua Liberation Organization | |
 | | Yarkuwa lndigenous Knowledge Centre | |
 | | Yawuru and Gunggandji Peoples | |
 | | Zazao Environmental Rights Organisation - ZERO | |
 | | the Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) | |