| | ACSILs | |
 | | Aboriginal Cultural Promotion Association - ACPA | |
 | | Adivasi Chhatra Sangh | |
 | | Adivasi Ekta Parishad | |
 | | Adivasi Sahitya Academy | |
 | | Adivasi Samanway Manch Bharat | |
 | | Adivasi Socio-Educational and Cultural Association | |
 | | Ahwazi Human Rights Organization - AHRO | |
 | | Aid to Tai People | |
 | | Ain O Salish Kendra - ASK | |
 | | Ainu Association of Hokkaido | |
 | | Ainu Association of Japan | |
 | | Ainu Association of Rera | |
 | | Ainu Association of Sapporo | |
 | | Ainu International Network | |
 | | Ainu National Congress | |
 | | Ainu Resource Centre | |
 | | Akha Heritage Foundation | |
 | | Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara - AMAN | |
 | | All Adivasi Students Association of Assam - AASAA | |
 | | All Assam Tribal Youth League | |
 | | All Boro Post Graduate Youth Federation | |
 | | All India Coordinating Forum of the Adivasi | |
 | | All India Santal Welfare and Cultural Society - AISWACS | |
 | | All India Tribal Literary Forum | |
 | | Alliance of Indigenous People of Sulawesi Tengah - AMASUTA | |
 | | Alliance of Taiwan Indigenous Culture | |
 | | Amity for Peace - AFP | |
 | | Apu Manglang Glupa Pusaka - AMGP | |
 | | Asia Caucus | |
 | | Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus | |
 | | Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact - AIPP | |
 | | Asia Indigenous Peoples' Caucus | |
 | | Asia Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus | |
 | | Asia Indigenous Youth Platform | |
 | | Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network | |
 | | Asia Young Indigenous Peoples' Network (AYIPN) | |
 | | Asian Indigenous Peoples' Peace Campaign | |
 | | Asian Indigenous Women's Network | |
 | | Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network | |
 | | Asian Legal Resource Centre | |
 | | Assam | |
 | | Association Nepal Kirat Kulung Language And Cultural Development | |
 | | Association Tamil Uzhagam | |
 | | Association of Indigenous Peoples in the Ryukyus - AIPR | |
 | | Association of Limbu Shamans | |
 | | Association of Nepalese Indigenous Journalists - ANIJ | |
 | | Association of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples' Policies - ATIPP | |
 | | Association of Young Okinawans | |
 | | Assyrian Aid Society | |
 | | Bamata Tribal Council | |
 | | Bangladesh Adivasi Forum | |
 | | Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum | |
 | | Bangladesh Indigenous Women Network | |
 | | Bangladesh Indigenous Women’s Network (BIWN) | |
 | | Bangladesh Indigenous women's network | |
 | | Bangladesh Jatiya Hajong Sangathan | |
 | | Bangladesh Jatiya Hajong Sangathon | |
 | | Bangladesti Indigenous Peoples Forum | |
 | | Bangsachampa | |
 | | Bangsamoro People's Consultative Assembly - BPCA | |
 | | Bawm Indigenous Peoples' Organization - BIPO | |
 | | Bawm Literature Forum | |
 | | Bawm Social Council - BSC | |
 | | Beyond Beijing Committee Nepal | |
 | | Bharat Munda Samaj | |
 | | Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra | |
 | | Borneo Resources Institute | |
 | | Boro Peoples Forum for Peace and Rights | |
 | | Boro Women's Justice Forum | |
 | | Borok Indigenous - Tribal Peoples Development Centre - BITPDC | |
 | | Borok People's Human Rights Organisation | |
 | | CHTJRWA | |
 | | CSCHR | |
 | | Cambodia Indigenous Youth Association (CIYA) | |
 | | Centre for Organisation Research and Education - CORE | |
 | | Centre for Progress of Manipuri Peoples - CPMP | |
 | | Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur | |
 | | Chamling Kirant Language Development Association | |
 | | Chimuguguruaction | |
 | | Chin Human Rights Organization - CHRO | |
 | | Chin National Front | |
 | | Chittagong Hill Tracts | |
 | | Chittagong Hill Tracts Citizen Committee | |
 | | Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission | |
 | | Chittagong Hill Tracts Hill Students' Council - PCP | |
 | | Chittagong Hill Tracts Juamm Refugees's Welfare Association | |
 | | Chittagong Hill Tracts Women Federation | |
 | | Chottanagapur Adivasi Sewa Samiti | |
 | | Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights in Manipur and at the UN, Manipur | |
 | | Community Action and Research for Development - CARD | |
 | | Congress of World Hmong People | |
 | | Conseil National d'Armenie Occidentale | |
 | | Conseil national suprême de Kampuchea-Krom - SNC-KK | |
 | | Cordillera Indigenous Peoples Legal Center – DINTEG | |
 | | Cordillera Peoples Alliance | |
 | | Cordillera Peoples’ Alliance | |
 | | Council of Indigenous Peoples in Today's Vietnam (CIP-TVN) | |
 | | Democratic People's Liberation Front (DPLF) | |
 | | Elders Council of the Shor People | |
 | | Federation of Boro Youth | |
 | | Federation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Asia | |
 | | Forest People | |
 | | Forum for Indigenous Perspectives and Action | |
 | | GSIPF Bangladesh | |
 | | Gamafuyaa | |
 | | Gerempong Anembiak Sekabai | |
 | | Global Home for Indigenous Peoples | |
 | | Global Naga Forum | |
 | | Greater Sylhet Indigenous Peoples Forum | |
 | | Gukom Sog Pito Kodolungan | |
 | | Hill Tracts Woman Resource Network - HTWRN | |
 | | Hill Watch Human Rights Forum | |
 | | Hill Women's Federation - HWF | |
 | | Himalayan Indigenous Women Network | |
 | | Hmong Chaofa Indigenous People Federation | |
 | | Hmong International Human Rights Watch | |
 | | Hmong Lao Human Rights Council | |
 | | Hunza Gilgit Baltistan Tribal Area, Pakistan | |
 | | Ibaloi People of the Philippines | |
 | | Idu Mishmi Cultural and Literary Society (IMCLS) | |
 | | Ikatan Cendekiawan Tanimbar Indonesia - ICTI | |
 | | India Indigenous Peoples (IIP) | |
 | | Indian Confederation of Indigenous & Tribal Peoples | |
 | | Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples - ICITP | |
 | | Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal peoples North east Zone - ICITP-NEZ | |
 | | Indian Council of Indigenous and Tribal People | |
 | | Indian Council of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | |
 | | Indigenous Education Network in Thailand (IEN) | |
 | | Indigenous Intellectual Council (IIC, Nepal) | |
 | | Indigenous Media Foundation | |
 | | Indigenous Mongolian People in China | |
 | | Indigenous Nationalities Upliftment Center Nepal - INUCE Nepal | |
 | | Indigenous People Foundation for Education and Environment (IPF) | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Development Services | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Forum Odisha | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia (Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia) | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Rights Monitor - IPRMon | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples Survival Foundation (IPSF) | |
 | | Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network (IPWDGN) | |
 | | Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network (IPWDGNJ | |
 | | Indigenous Rights Active Members Network | |
 | | Indigenous Women's Forum of North East India | |
 | | Indigenous Women's Network India | |
 | | Inter State Adivasi Coordination Committee | |
 | | International Alliance of the Indigenous Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests | |
 | | International Campaign for Boroks' Human Rights - ICBHR | |
 | | International Chin Forum | |
 | | International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission | |
 | | International Jumma Community | |
 | | Iraqi Turkmen Committee | |
 | | Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Research Foundation | |
 | | Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalysia - JOAS | |
 | | Jatiya Adivasi Parishad - JAP | |
 | | Jharkhand Adivasi Gran Vikas Kendra | |
 | | Jharkhand Human Rights Movement | |
 | | Jharkhand Indigenous Youth for Action | |
 | | Jharkhandis Organization for Human Rights | |
 | | Jumma Nation | |
 | | Jumma Peoples | |
 | | Jumma Peoples Network in Europe | |
 | | Jumma Peoples Network-Japan | |
 | | Jumma Peoples' Network International | |
 | | Kaapaeng Foundation | |
 | | Kalipunan ng mga Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas (National Alliance of Indigenous Peoples Organizations in the Philippines) | |
 | | Kapaeeng Foundation | |
 | | Karbi Human Rights Watch (KHRW) | |
 | | Karen National Union | |
 | | Karenni Rainbow Foundation | |
 | | Karenni Student Union | |
 | | Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist Temple | |
 | | Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation | |
 | | Khmer Kampuchea Krom Temple | |
 | | Khmer Kampuchea-Krom Federation | |
 | | Khmer Krom Buddhist Association | |
 | | Khmer M'Chas Srok (KMS) | |
 | | Khmers Kampuchea Krom Federation | |
 | | Khmers Kampuchea Krom Temple | |
 | | Khmers-Kampuchea Krom Federation | |
 | | Kirat Chamling Language and Culture Development Association – KCLCDA | |
 | | Kirat Rai Yayokkh | |
 | | Kirat Yakthung Chumlung | |
 | | Kirat Yakthung Manggena Chumlung | |
 | | Kirat Youth Society | |
 | | Klibur Aleizadus Timor Loro Sa's - KATILOSA | |
 | | Kuboraj lnter-Punji Development Organization | |
 | | Kuki Indigenous People – KIP | |
 | | Kuki Movement for Human Rights | |
 | | Lao Human Rights Council | |
 | | Lawyers' Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples | |
 | | Lawyers' Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples | |
 | | Lawyers' Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) | |
 | | Lawyers' Association for the Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples - LAHURNIP | |
 | | Limbu Literature Development Association - Lilda | |
 | | Lohorung Yakhkhaba Society | |
 | | Lumad Mindamaw | |
 | | Lumad Mindanaw Peoples Federation | |
 | | Lumad Peoples Movement for Peace | |
 | | Maleya Foundation | |
 | | Mamacila Apo Ginopakan Higaonon Tribal Council Inc. | |
 | | Mantasa NGO | |
 | | Meghalaya Peoples Human Rights Council | |
 | | Mekong Minority Foundation | |
 | | Mena Muria Foundation | |
 | | Monland Restoration Council | |
 | | Montagnard Foundation | |
 | | Montagnard Human Rights Organization - MHRO | |
 | | Mundari Literary Council | |
 | | Murkele Organization | |
 | | NGO Forum on Cambodia | |
 | | Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights - NPMHR | |
 | | Naga Women's Union | |
 | | National Children Task Force | |
 | | National Coalition of Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines - KASAPI Inc. | |
 | | National Federation of Indigenous Peoples Organizations in the Philippines | |
 | | National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal [NIDWANJ | |
 | | National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal (NIDWAN ) | |
 | | National Indigenous Women Forum Nepal | |
 | | National Indigenous Women's Federation, Nepal | |
 | | National Indigenous Women's Forum, Nepal | |
 | | National Network of Indigenous Women in the Philippines | |
 | | National Socialist Council Of Nagaland | |
 | | National Socialist Council of Nagaland | |
 | | National indigenous Women Forum Nepal | |
 | | Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities-NEFIN | |
 | | Nepal Indigenous Disabled Association - NIDA | |
 | | Nepal Indigenous Nationalities Preservation Association (NINPA) | |
 | | Nepal Tamang Ghedung | |
 | | Nepal Tamang Mahila Ghedung | |
 | | Nepal Tamang Women Ghedung | |
 | | Newa Dey Daboo | |
 | | Nirai Kanai Nu Kai | |
 | | Organization of Concern Loacan Indigenous Peoples | |
 | | PACOS Trust | |
 | | PUCL-Tamil Nadu | |
 | | Pacific and Asia Council of Indigenous Peoples - PACIP | |
 | | Pagkakaisa Ng Aeta Ng Pinatubo - PAP | |
 | | Parbattya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) | |
 | | Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti | |
 | | Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) | |
 | | Parbatya Chattagram Jana Sanghati Samiti - PCJSS | |
 | | Partners of community organisation, Sabah Malaysia | |
 | | Patriotic Vision in Lebanon (PVA) | |
 | | Pazeh Plains Indigenous Peoples Association | |
 | | Peace Campaign Group | |
 | | Philippine Indigenous Peoples Links - PIPLinks | |
 | | Philippine Task Force for Indigenous Peoples Rights | |
 | | Prahar | |
 | | Promotion and Advancement of Justice, Harmony and Rights of Advisais - PAJHRA | |
 | | Property Right issues of Indigenous women of Western Himalayas | |
 | | Rastiya Adhivasi Janajati Mahila Manch Nepal | |
 | | Rastriya Adiwasi Janajati Mahita Manch Nepal Organization | |
 | | Rochun | |
 | | Rongmei Naga Women Organization | |
 | | Roots-Manipur | |
 | | Ryukyu People | |
 | | Sarawak Community Co-operation Institute | |
 | | Sarawak Indigenous Peoples Alliance | |
 | | Sarawak Peoples Campaign - SPC | |
 | | Save Our Schools, Iglesia Filipina Independiente, The United Society (USPG) | |
 | | Sherpa Association of Nepal | |
 | | Shimin Gaikou Centre | |
 | | Siocon Federation of Subanon Tribal Councils | |
 | | Siocon Subanon Association Inc. | |
 | | Society for Adivasi Somaz | |
 | | South Asia Indigenous Women's Forum | |
 | | TAUNGYA | |
 | | Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples international Centre for Policy Research and Education) | |
 | | Tebtebba Foundation | |
 | | The Cham,Khmer-Krom, and Montagnards | |
 | | The Indigenous Women’s Network | |
 | | The Mena Muria foundation | |
 | | Threatened Indigenous Peoples Society - TIPS | |
 | | Ton Kla Indigenous Children and Youth Network | |
 | | Tribal Link Foundation Project Access Capacity Building program | |
 | | Tsou National Council | |
 | | Tuklas Katutubo a national volunteer organization of tribal leaders and advocates in Philippines | |
 | | United Bodo Nationalist Liberation Front – UBNLF | |
 | | United Zo Indigenous Peoples - UZIP | |
 | | Voices for Peace | |
 | | Welfare Association of Tribals of Chotanagpur | |
 | | Wiran Aboriginal Corporation | |
 | | Women's League of Burma | |
 | | World Adivasi Council - WAC | |
 | | World Barua Organization | |
 | | World Hmong People’s Congress | |
 | | World Sindhi Congress | |
 | | Yachai Wasi, Earth Peoples | |
 | | Yayasan Pengembangan Masyarakat Adat Rendu - YAPMAR | |
 | | ZO Human Rights Global Networks | |
 | | Zabarang Kalyan Samity | |
 | | Zeliangrong Women Union - ZWU | |
 | | Zo Indigenous Forum - ZIF | |
 | | Zo National Students' Federation - ZONSF | |
 | | Zo Reunification Organization - ZORO | |
 | | a Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) | |
 | | f Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus | |
 | | lndigenous Peoples Development Services | |