| | AIM - West | |
 | | Aboriginal Snake River Palouse Tribe | |
 | | Akaitcho Dene | |
 | | Alaska Federation of Natives - AFN | |
 | | Alaska Inter-Tribal Council - AITC | |
 | | Alaska Native Peoples | |
 | | Alianza Indígena Sin Fronteras | |
 | | Amah Mutsun Tribal Band | |
 | | American Indian Community House - AICH | |
 | | American Indian Law Alliance - AILA | |
 | | American Indian Law Movement | |
 | | American Indian Movement | |
 | | Anishinabek Nation | |
 | | Apache Nde Nnee Working Group | |
 | | Apache Survival Coalition | |
 | | Arizona House of Representatives | |
 | | Assembly of First Nations | |
 | | Assembly of First Nations National Youth Council | |
 | | Assembly of First Nations Women’s Council | |
 | | Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs | |
 | | Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador | |
 | | Association of Friendship Centres | |
 | | Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians - AIAI | |
 | | Association of Métis and Non-Status Indians of Saskatchewan | |
 | | Association on American Indian Affairs | |
 | | BC Treaty Commission | |
 | | Bears Ears Prayer Run Alliance | |
 | | Big Trout Lake First Nation | |
 | | Black Hill Sioux Nations Treaty Council | |
 | | Black Mesa Water Coalition,Arizona,USA | |
 | | British Columbia Treaty Commission | |
 | | Buffalo River Dene Nation | |
 | | California Association of Tribal Governments | |
 | | Canadian Indigenous Women's Resource Institute - CIWRI | |
 | | Center for World Indigenous Studies | |
 | | Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska | |
 | | Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources - CIER | |
 | | Chickaloon Village Traditional Council, Alaska | |
 | | Chickasaw Nation | |
 | | Chiefs of Ontario | |
 | | Chihene Indeh Nation | |
 | | Child of All Nations Indigenous Wisdom Institute | |
 | | Chippewas of the Thames First Nation | |
 | | Chiricahua Apache Alliance | |
 | | Clan Star | |
 | | Coalition for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples | |
 | | Coalition of First Nations | |
 | | Collectif femmes autochtones, leadership et gouvernance | |
 | | Confederacy of Treaty 6 First Nations | |
 | | Congress of Aboriginal Peoples - CAP | |
 | | Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw | |
 | | Conseil des Innu de Nitassinan | |
 | | Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas | |
 | | Council of Katmai Descendants | |
 | | Cowessess First Nation | |
 | | Cree Regional Youth Council | |
 | | Cree School Board | |
 | | Curyung Tribal Council | |
 | | Deh Cho First Nations | |
 | | Dene Youth Allaince | |
 | | Douglas Treaty Tribes | |
 | | EDFU Foundation | |
 | | Earth Island Institute's Seeding Sovereignity Project | |
 | | Edfu Foundation | |
 | | Ermineskin Cree Nation | |
 | | Ethiopian World Federation | |
 | | Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians | |
 | | Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations | |
 | | Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations | |
 | | Femmes autochtones du Quebec | |
 | | File Hills Qu Appelle Tribal Council | |
 | | First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres | |
 | | First Nations Leadership Council | |
 | | First Nations Summit | |
 | | First Nations Women Advocating Responsible Mining - FNWARM | |
 | | First Nations Youth Caucus | |
 | | Flying Eagle Woman Fund | |
 | | Foundation for Indigenous Americans of Anasazi Heritage - FIAAH | |
 | | Four Cree Nations | |
 | | Four Directions Council | |
 | | Frente Indígena Oaxaqueño Binacional - FIOB | |
 | | Fundacion Semilla Warunkwa | |
 | | Gitanmaax Band | |
 | | Grand Council Treaty | |
 | | Grand Council of the Crees | |
 | | Grand Council of the Mi'kmaq | |
 | | Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians | |
 | | Gwich in Steering Committee Youth Council | |
 | | Gwich'in Steeringttee Commitee | |
 | | Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council | |
 | | Haudenosaunee External Relations Committee | |
 | | Haudenosaunee of Kanehsatake | |
 | | Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group | |
 | | Hupacasath First Nation | |
 | | ILDI Inc | |
 | | Idiwanan An Chawe | |
 | | Indian Association of Alberta | |
 | | Indian Council of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | |
 | | Indian Homemakers Association of B.C. | |
 | | Indian Law Resource Center - ILRC | |
 | | Indian Treaty Council | |
 | | Indigenous Bar Association in Canada - IBA | |
 | | Indigenous Information Network | |
 | | Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade | |
 | | Indigenous Peoples and Nations Coalition | |
 | | Indigenous World Association | |
 | | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam | |
 | | Institut Culturel Tshakapesh | |
 | | Institut Culturel Éducatif Montagnais - ICEM | |
 | | International Indian Treaty Council | |
 | | International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) | |
 | | Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami - ITK | |
 | | Jackhead First Nation | |
 | | Kakisiwew Treaty Council | |
 | | Kanien'kehaka Raotitiohkwa Cultural Center | |
 | | Kontinonh:sta'ts - Mohawk Language Custodians | |
 | | Laguna Acoma Coalition for a Safe Environment | |
 | | Lenape and Onondaga Haundenosaunee peoples | |
 | | Lipan Apache Women Defense | |
 | | Lummi Indian Business Council | |
 | | Maka Luta Awanke Okolakiciye | |
 | | Mandan Hidatsa Arikara | |
 | | Maskwacis Cree | |
 | | Menominee Nation | |
 | | Mikmaq Grand Council | |
 | | Mnicoujou Lakota Nation | |
 | | Mohawk Nation | |
 | | Muskogee Cree Nation | |
 | | Métis Nation | |
 | | Métis National Council | |
 | | Nationa Indian Youth Council - NIYC | |
 | | National Aboriginal Forestry Association - NAFA | |
 | | National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People - NAAIPC | |
 | | National Association of Friendship Centres | |
 | | National Association of Friendship Centres - NAFC | |
 | | National Congress of American Indians | |
 | | National Congress of American Indians - NCAI | |
 | | National Indian Child Welfare Association | |
 | | National Indian Youth Council | |
 | | National Indigenous Women's Resource Center - NIWRC | |
 | | National Native American Bar Association - NNABA | |
 | | National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition | |
 | | National Native American Prisoners Rights Coalition | |
 | | National Urban Indian Family Coalition - NUIFC | |
 | | National lndigenous Survivors of Child Welfare Network, Ottawa | |
 | | Native American Council | |
 | | Native American Rights Fund | |
 | | Native American Rights Fund - NARF | |
 | | Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center | |
 | | Native Children's Survival | |
 | | Native Council of Nova Scotia | |
 | | Native Council of Port Heiden | |
 | | Native Women Association of Canada | |
 | | Native Women's Association of Canada | |
 | | Native Youth Sexual Health Network | |
 | | Navajo Nation Council | |
 | | Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission | |
 | | Navajo Nation Human Rights Council | |
 | | Nipmuc Nation | |
 | | Nishnawbe Aski Nation | |
 | | North America Indigenous Women's Caucus | |
 | | North America Regional Caucus | |
 | | Nunatukavut | |
 | | Nunavut | |
 | | Nuxalk Nation | |
 | | Ochapowace First Nation | |
 | | Oglala Lakota Nation | |
 | | Oneida Nation Council of Chiefs | |
 | | Onion Lake Cree Nation | |
 | | Onondaga Nation | |
 | | Owe Aku | |
 | | O’odham Voice Against the Wall | |
 | | Pahtamawiikan | |
 | | People of Wounded Knee Creek | |
 | | Piamuit Traditional Council | |
 | | PineCreek First Nation Manitoba | |
 | | Prairie Treaty Nations Alliance | |
 | | Quebec Native Women | |
 | | Quebec Native Women’s Association | |
 | | Quinault Indian Nation | |
 | | REDOIL-Alaska | |
 | | Red Xicana Indigena | |
 | | Round Valley Indian Tribes - RVIT | |
 | | Samson Cree Nation | |
 | | Seneca Nation of Indians | |
 | | Seventh Generation Fund | |
 | | Shubenacadie Band Council of the Mi'kmaq Nation | |
 | | Sioux Nation | |
 | | Six Nations of the Grand River | |
 | | South Kutu Thlingit Nation | |
 | | Southeast Indigenous Peoples’ Center - SIPC | |
 | | Sovereign Dineh Nation - SDN | |
 | | Standing Rock Sioux Nation | |
 | | Standing Rock Sioux Tribe | |
 | | Star Blanket First Nation | |
 | | Tatanka Oyate | |
 | | Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council | |
 | | Tetuwan Oyate (Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council) | |
 | | The Metis Settlements General Council | |
 | | The Tohono O'odham Nation | |
 | | Tlahtokan Izkalot | |
 | | Tohono O'odham Nation | |
 | | Tohono O'odham Voice against the Wall | |
 | | Tonatierra | |
 | | Tracking Change | |
 | | Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth | |
 | | Treaty 4 Chiefs | |
 | | Treaty 4 First Nations | |
 | | Treaty 6 Chiefs | |
 | | Treaty 6 Medicine Chest Task Force | |
 | | Treaty Six Chiefs Alliance | |
 | | Treaty Six area of Western Canada | |
 | | Tribal Link Foundation Project Access Capacity Building program | |
 | | Tulalip Tribes of Washington | |
 | | Tŝilhqot’in Nation | |
 | | US Human Rights Network | |
 | | Union of BC Indian Chiefs | |
 | | Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs | |
 | | Union of New Brunswick Indians | |
 | | Union of New Brunswik Indians | |
 | | Urbanized Indigenous of Muscogee Creek Nation | |
 | | Utah Diné Bikéyah | |
 | | Valley River First Nation | |
 | | Voices of the Bering Sea | |
 | | Wacin Hin Ska Tiospaye | |
 | | Western Shoshone Defense Project | |
 | | Western Shoshone Nation | |
 | | Western Shoshone National Council | |
 | | Winnemem Wintu Tribe | |
 | | Yamasi People | |
 | | Yougiogaheny river band tribe of shawnee nation | |
 | | Yukon Aboriginal Women's Council | |
 | | Zuni Tribal Council | |