|  | BALLOTIRAL: An example of indigenous peoples (Mbororo of Cameroon) in their own development Fadimatou DAHIROU - - MBOSCUDA (Cameroon) 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2002|04b-Indigenous peoples and their right to development including participation in development affecting them (Review of developments) EN | GEO|Cameroon , IP|Mbororo , Development , Partnership |
|  | Statement Musa Usman NDAMBA - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association, Cameroon 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2003|04d-Human rights (Mandated areas) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Mbororo , Arbitrary detention , Land |
|  | Statement Ali Aii SHATU - - Mbororo Social Cultural & Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2009|03a-Economic and social development (Follow-up to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Cameroon , IP|Mbororo , Climate change , Land |
|  | 10-MBOSCUDA press release - - Mbororo Social Cultural and development Association (MBOSCUDA) 7-UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|05-Statements and Reactions|2-Indigenous organisations EN | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Statement Ali Aii SHATU - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2009| 04a-Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Human rights) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Mbororo , Pastoralism |
|  | UPR Cameroon. Joint NGO Report - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA), Laimaru Network and Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association (CAEPA CAMEROON) 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|HRC Universal Periodic Review|16th session (22 April – 3 May 2013)|Cameroon|Stakeholders' submissions EN | Universal Periodic Review , GEO|Cameroon , IP|Mbororo |
|  | Statement Musa Usman NDAMBA - - Mbororo Social Cultural & Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2017|08-Discussion on theme Tenth Anniversary of UNDRIP
| UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Indigenous Rights , Human Rights |
|  | Statement Musa Usman NDAMBA - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2010 – 3rd session|04-United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples EN | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Statement Ali Aii SHATU - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association of Cameroon 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2006|03-Special theme: the Millennium Development Goals and Indigenous Peoples EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Mbororo , Pastoralism |
|  | Statement on item 6 and 3b Bouba AEI SATU - - Indigenous Women Organizations in Africa 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2015|03b-Follow-up on the recommendations of the Permanent Forum: Post-2015 development agenda EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Post-2015 UN Development Agenda , GEO|Uganda , GEO|Kenya , Women , Sexual violence , IP|Batwa |
|  | Joint Satement on item 7 - - On behalf of Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism (IPCB), International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), Center for Peace Building & Poverty Reduction Among African Indigenous Peoples (CEPPER), Kanuri Development Association (KDA) and Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 08.WIPO - OMPI|2009|IGC-14|Indigenous Statements EN | Participation , Free, prior & informed consent , Traditional knowledge |
|  | Statement Musa Usman NDAMBA - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2009 – 2nd session|04a- Implementation of the Declaration at the regional and national levels (UNDRIP) EN | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , GEO|Cameroon , IP|Mbororo , Land |
|  | Joint Intervention Hawe Humman BOUBA - - On behalf of AIWO-CAN and the womens committee of MBOSCUDA 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2005|04b-Principal theme: “Indigenous peoples and the international and domestic protection of traditional knowledge” (Review of developments) EN | Traditional knowledge |
|  | Statement Usman NDAMBA - - Mbororo Social Cultural and Development Association of Cameroon 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2004|04f-Education (Mandated areas) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Mbororo , Women , Education |
|  | Statement Rahamatu MALLAM SALI - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|04b-Principal theme: "Indigenous peoples and conflict resolution" (Review of developments) EN | GEO|Cameroon , IP|Mbororo , Pastoralism , Land , Conflict resolution |
|  | Statement Rahamatu SALI - - Mbororo Social Cultural & Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2017|04-Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Indigenous Rights , Human Rights |
|  | Situation of the Indigenous Mbororo Pastoralists of Cameroon Rahamatu MALLAM SALI - - Mbororo Social Cultural and development Association (MBOSCUDA) 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2008 - 1st session|03-Implementation of HRC resolution 6.36 EN | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , GEO|Cameroon , IP|Mbororo , Land invasion |
|  | Statement Musa Usman NDAMBA - - Mbororo Social Cultural & Development Association (MBOSCUDA) 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2004|04d-Human rights (Mandated areas) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Mbororo , IP|Moko-oh , Arbitrary detention , Land |
|  | Statement on item 5 Musa Usman NDAMBA - - Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association of Cameroon 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2013 - 6th session|05-Study on the access to justice in the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples EN | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Joint Statement - - Organisations representing the Mbororo people of Cameroon, Chad and Niger (MBOSCUDA, Lelewal, AFPAT, AREN) 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2008 - 1st session|04-Study on Lessons learned and Challenges to achieve the Implementation of the Right of IP to Education EN | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Mbororo , Education , Discrimination , Language , Nomadism |