| | Indigenous Organisations | |
 |  | | Africa | |
 |  | | Simba Maasai Outreach Organization - SIMOO | |
|  | Statement Nkitoria Ole SAKUDA - - Simba Maasai Outreach Organization (SIMOO) 09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2001|04-Indigenous peoples and their right to development, including their right to participate in development affecting them (Review of developments) EN | Development , Poverty , Discrimination , Traditional knowledge |
|  | Bio-diversitv and Maasai Sacred Sites Francis Ole SAKUDA - - Simba Maasai Outreach Organization. Kenya 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2002|06b-Environment (Review of activities of the UN system) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Maasai , Sacred sites , Natural resources |