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Voir le document au format PDF Les Touaregs et la globalisation
- - Survie Touarègue-TEMOUST, Prodecap-SADAD, Tin-Hinan, Taralif
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|04c-Globalization and indigenous peoples (Review of developments)
IP|Kel Tamashek , Globalization
Voir le document au format PDF Les autochtones et la résolution des conflits : Le cas touaregs
Hassen MARMOURI - - Association Taralift
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2004|04b-Principal theme: "Indigenous peoples and conflict resolution" (Review of developments)
IP|Kel Tamashek , Discrimination , Physical violence , Conflict resolution
Voir le document au format PDF Déclaration
Mahmoud MARMOURI - - Association Culturelle Taralift
03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2009 – 2nd session|03-Study on lessons learned and challenges to achieve the implementation of the right of indigenous peoples to education
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , IP|Kel Tamashek , Education , Language
Voir le document au format PDF Déclaration
Belkacem BOUKHEROUF - - Association Culturelle Taralift
03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR)|Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples|2018 - 11th session| 07 UN Declaration on the Rights of IPs good practices and lessons learned
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Development
Voir le document au format PDF Déclaration
Hassen MARMOURI - - Association Taralift
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2003|04b-Principal theme: "Indigenous peoples and globalization” (Review of developments)