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Voir le document au format PDF Projet de discours
Adrien SINAFASI MAKELO - - Action d'Appui pour la Protection des Droits des Minorités en Afrique Centrale
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2001|04-Indigenous peoples and their right to development, including their right to participate in development affecting them (Review of developments)
GEO|Democratic Republic of the Congo , IP|Bambuti , Discrimination , Deforestation
Voir le document au format PDF Les Connaissances traditionnelles - Patrimoine à protéger pour l'humanité
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2005|04b-Principal theme: “Indigenous peoples and the international and domestic protection of traditional knowledge” (Review of developments)
GEO|Democratic Republic of the Congo , IP|Batwa , Traditional knowledge , Biological diversity
Voir le document au format PDF Joint Statement
Ina HUME - - Jumma Peoples Network International, CORE-Manipur, Action pour la Promotion des Droits des Minorites Autochtones en Afrique Centrale
09.Working Group on Indigenous Populations|2005|04c- Indigenous peoples and conflict prevention and resolution (Review of developments)
GEO|Bangladesh , Armed conflict , Sexual violence
Voir le document au format PDF The Indigenous Pygmies in the RDC and the Millennium Development Goals
Pacifique MUKUMBA ISUMBISHO - - Collective Statement of the Indigenous Organizations of the Democratic Republic of Congo
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2006|04f-Thematic discussion on Africa
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Poverty , Discrimination , Sexual violence , Forests
Voir le document au format PDF Violation des droits des Pygmées BAMBUTI en République Démocratique du Congo : au delà de l'imaginable.
Adrien SINAFASI MAKELO - - AAPDMAC (Action pour la Protection des Droits de Minorités Autochtones en Afrique Centrale - RDC) et LAND IS LIFE
04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2003|04d-Human rights (Mandated areas)
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Displacement , Deforestation , Multi-national corporations , Military atrocities