| | Indigenous Organisations | |
 |  | | Pacific | |
 |  | | Yarkuwa lndigenous Knowledge Centre | |
|  | Statement on 4a Mark HOLDEN - - On behalf of Aboriginal Legal Service Western Australia (ALSWA) , Aboriginal Medical Service of Western Sydney (AMSWS) , Foundation for Aboriginal and lslander Research and Action (FAIRA), Gamarada lndigenous Healing and life Training Ltd (Gamarada) , National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) , Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) and Yarkuwa lndigenous Knowledge Centre 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues|2011|04a-Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Human rights) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Australia , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Youth |