| | 01-Provisional agenda = Programa provisional = Ordre du jour provisoire UNPFII- Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Eighth session New York, 18-29 May 2009 EN ES FR RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | 02-Analysis prepared by the secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: indigenous women Economic and Social Council- E/C.19/2009/8 EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | 03-Report of the international expert group meeting on extractive industries, Indigenous Peoples’ rights and corporate social responsibility International Expert Group - Manila, Philippines, 27 to 29 March 2009. E/C.19/2009/CRP. 8 EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Extractive industries |
| | 04-The Mandate of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues under Article 42 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNPFII- International Expert Group Meeting. 14-16 January, 2009, New York. PFII/2009/EGM1/2 EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
| | 05a-Report of the on the role of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in the implementation of article 42 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNPFII- International Expert Group Meeting. E/C.19/2009/2 EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
| | 05b- Informe sobre el papel del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas en la aplicacióndel artículo 42 de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas UNPFII- Reunión del Grupo Internacional de Expertos. E/C.19/2009/2 ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
| | 05c-Rapport sur le rôle de l’Instance permanente des Nations Unies sur les questions autochtones dans l’application de l’article 42 de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones UNPFII- Réunion Du Groupe D’experts Internationaux. E/C.19/2009/2 FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
| | 06-Report of the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues Douglas NAKASHIMA- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. E/C.19/2009/11 Item 3 of the Agenda EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | 07-Misión a Bolivia : Informe y Recomendaciones UNPFII- Nueva York, 28 de mayo 2009 ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Bolivia , IP|Guarani |
| | 08-Misión a Paraguay : Informe y Recomendaciones UNPFII- Nueva York, 28 de mayo 2009 ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Paraguay , IP|Guarani |