| | 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR) | |
 |  | | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | |
 |  | | 2017 - 10th session | |
 | | 00 Reference & related documents | |
 | | 02 Adoption of the agenda and organisation of work | |
 | | 03 New Mandate of the Expert Mechanism | |
 | | 04 Good practices and challenges in business etc. | |
 | | 05 Interactive Dialogue with National Human Rights Institutions etc | |
 | | 06 Ten years implementation of UNDRIP | |
 | | 07 Indigenous peoples participation in the UN System | |
 | | 08 Intersessional activities and follow-up to thematic studies etc. | |
 | | 09 Future Work of the Expert Mechanism | |
 | | 10 Proposals to be submitted to the HRC | |
 | | 11 Adoption of studies and reports | |