| | Biodiversidad, cambio climatico y derechos de los pueblos indígenas en Colombia Luis Evelis ANDRADE- Declaración Conjunta: ONIC, OPIAC, Fuerza de Mujeres Wayúu y CECOIN ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Deforestation , Displacement , Multi-national corporations |
| | Climate Change and Biodiversity in Australia Shirley MCPHERSON - Representing Australia EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Biological diversity |
| | Collective Intervention Regarding Impacts of Climate Change on the Pacific Ocean Malia NOBREGA- Hawaii and the Northwest Pacific (Na Koa Ikaika O Ka Lahui Hawaii) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environmental degradation , Seabed |
| | Collective Statement Adán ALARCÓN - CAPAJ. On behalf of the participants of the "Global Access Project, Training for Indigenous Peoples 2008," the collaboration of Tribal Link Foundation and the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environmental degradation |
| | Collective Statement Jinine LAISHARAMCHA- Centre for Organization Research and Education, Dooda Desert Rock, Lipam Apache Women and other organizations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Biological diversity , Environmental degradation , Forests |
| | Collective Statement on Climate Change Asian Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus - EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environmental degradation , Deforestation |
| | Declaración Sebastiao HAJI MANCHINERI- Conclave de Abya Yala ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environmental degradation |
| | Declaración de la Organización Mapuche de Chile Consejo de Todas las Tierras Guillermo ERICES- Consejo de Todas las Tierras ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , IP|Mapuche |
| | Declaration Edith BASTIDAS- Santa Cruz de la Sierra EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Biological diversity |
| | Déclaration des associations autochtones Pygmées de la RD Congo Pacifique MUKUMBA ISUMBISHO- Centre d'Accompagnement des Autochtones Pygmées et Minoritaries Vulnerables, Programme d'Intégration et de Dévelopment du Peuple Pygmée du Kivu PIDP FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environmental degradation , Exploitation , Deforestation , IP|Batwa |
| | Global Indigenous Women's Caucus Statement Yolanda TERAN- Indigenous Women's Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Traditional knowledge , Climate |
| | Impact of Climate Changes Mitigation Measures on Indigenous Peoples and on their Territories and Lands Victoria TAULI-CORPUZ Aqqaluk LYNGE- Special Rapporteurs. E/C.19/2008/10 EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environmental degradation , Land |
| | Informations received form Governments : Bolivia Bolivia- EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | Interveción conjunta Lucia Fernanda KAIGANG- Instituto Indígena Brasileño para la Propiedad Intelectual (INBRAPI), Red de Mujeres Indígenas sobre la Biodiversidad de Latinoamérica, Instituto Kaingáng (INKA), Red de Comunicación Indígena (GRUMIN) and Foro de los Pueblos y Comunidades Tradicionales ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Biological diversity , Traditional knowledge |
| | Interveción conjunta Sandro TUXA- Delegación Indígena de Brasil ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Deforestation |
| | Intervención Liborio GURULLA- Gobernador indígena del Estado Amazonas. On behalf of Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Biological diversity , Language |
| | Intervención Wilson REYES- CONADI. Chile ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Land , Cultural diversity |
| | Intervención Lloyd Bushey DAVIS- Representing Nicaragua. Miskito ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Poverty , Food security |
| | Intervención Enrique OCHOA- Delegación de México ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Traditional knowledge |
| | Intervención Piragibe TARRAGÔ- Permanent Representative of Brazil ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Biological diversity , Climate change , Deforestation |
| | Intervención sobre le tema 3 Lourdes TIBAN- Consejo Nacional de Nacionalidades y Pueblos indígenas del Ecuador ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Biological diversity , Environmental degradation |
| | Intervención = Statement Juan Antonio YÁÑEZ-BARNUEVO- Permanent Representative of Spain ES EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | Intervención = Statement Mariana FRANCISCO XUNCAX- MayaVision. Representing the Guatemala Caucus ES EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environmental degradation , Women , Migration , Multi-national corporations |
| | Intervention to the 7th Session on the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Casey CAMP-HORINEK- Submitted by the Indigenous Environmental Network with support of global endorsements EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environmental degradation , Climate change |
| | JointConsensus Statement Bern POWLESS Karmen RAMIREZ BOSCAN- Indigenous Peoples and Nations Global Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environmental degradation |
| | Joint Statement Bev MANTON- On behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Organizations from Australia EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | Joint Statement Hubertus SAMANGUN- International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests and IIPFCC EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | Joint Statement Larson BILL (Chief)- On behalf of Western Shoshone Defense Project, Buffalo River Dene Nation, Maya Vision, Lipan Apache Women's Defense, First Peoples Human Rights Coalition and Bangsa Adat Alifuru EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environment , Multi-national corporations |
| | Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwuug Joint Statement Laura CALMWIND- Joined by Mohawk Nation at Kahnawake, BC first Nations Leadership Council, Treaty 6 from Canada, International Indigenous Economies and Trade Network, Western Shoshone Defense Project, Indigenous Environmental Network EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environment , Biological diversity |
| | La Reducción de emisiones de Carbono y Pueblos Indígenas Onel MASARDULE- Declaración en nombre de la Fundación para la Promoción del Conociemento Indígena y Land is Life ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Free, prior & informed consent |
| | Motion for the Indigenous Parliament of Bolivia for the Permanent forum on Indigenous Issues Maria Isabel VENTURA- Indigenous Parliament of Bolivia EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environmental degradation , Biological diversity , Poverty |
| | Reccomendations and reflections on Agenda Item 3 Joji CARINO- Asian Indigenous Women's Network and Tebtebba Foundation EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environment , Self-determination |
| | Recommendations on Agenda Item 4(b): Environment Maria Luiza RIBEIRO VIOTTI- Permanent Representative of Brazil ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Cultural diversity , Climate change |
| | Statement Douglas NAKASHIMA- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Traditional knowledge |
| | Statement Salvano BRICENO- United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN - ISDR) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Traditional knowledge |
| | Statement - Indigenous Women's Biodiversity Network (IWBN) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Biological diversity , Traditional knowledge , Women |
| | Statement Raphael THANGMAWIA- Zo Reunification Organization (ZORO) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Zo , Climate change , Deforestation , Biological diversity |
| | Statement Kiplanagat CHERUYOT- Ogiek Community EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environmental degradation |
| | Statement Josef Tuusi MOTZFELDT- Greenland Parliament EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate |
| | Statement Sam JOHNSTON- United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Traditional knowledge , Climate change |
| | Statement Regina LAUB- Food and Agriculture Organization EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environmental degradation , Biological diversity |
| | Statement Gunilla OLSSON- International Fund for Agricultural Development, IFAD EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Poverty , Traditional knowledge |
| | Statement Hilario G. DAVIDE- Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Biological diversity |
| | Statement Mary SIMAT- IPACC EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Traditional knowledge , Deforestation , Development |
| | Statement George TALBOT- Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guyana EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Forests , Environment , Development |
| | Statement Andrea CARMEN- North America Regional Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environmental degradation , Food , Health |
| | Statement Nadine PERRAULT- UNICEF EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environment , Children |
| | Statement Helen ANDREASSON- UN-HABITAT EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change |
| | Statement Roman KASHAEV- Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | Statement Egil OLLI- Sami Parliamentary Council EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Traditional knowledge , Biological diversity |
| | Statement Youth Caucus- EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environmental degradation |
| | Statement Takashi ASHIKI- Permanent Mission of Japan EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environmental management plans |
| | Statement Henry MAC DONALD- Permanent Representative of Suriname to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environmental degradation , Traditional knowledge |
| | Statement Luca DALL'OGLIO- Permanent Observer, International Organization for Migration (IOM) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Housing |
| | Statement by the Artic Caucus Patricia COCHRAN- In behalf of Inuit Circumpolar Council and the Saami EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
| | Statement "ICTs and Climate Change" Philip CROSS- ITU EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate |
| | Statement =Intervención Gonzalo OVIEDO- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) EN ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate |
| | Statement = Intervention Fred CARON- Delegation of Canada EN FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environment , Climate change , Traditional knowledge |
| | Statement of Pacific Caucus Fiu MATAESE ELISARA- Executive Director, OLSSI, Samoa EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate change , Environmental degradation |
| | Statement on Special theme: "Climate change, bio-cultural diversity and livelihoods: the stewardship role of indigenous peoples and new chalenges" Djankou NDJONKOU- ILO EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environment , Development |
| | UNDP's statement to the 7th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues UNDP- EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Development , Climate change |
| | UNEP's Statement Juanita CASTANO- Director of UNEP Office in New York EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Climate , Environment |
| | UNITAR Contribuition to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 6th Session's Recomendations and Priorities Trisha RIEDY- UNITAR EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Conflict prevention |