| | 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR) | |
| | | Business and Human Rights | |
| | | Forum on Business and Human Rights 2013 – 2nd session | |
| | | 02-Stakeholder pre-Forum session: Indigenous People | |
| | 01-Introducción a la sesssion pre Foro Carlos MAMANI CONDORI- Moderador de la sesión ES | |
| | 03-Ponencia en la sesión preliminar Bettina CRUZ- Oaxaca, Mexico. Representando el caucus latino-americano ES | |
| | 04-Statement on the pre-session Thomas JALONG- Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS) EN | |
| | 05-Statement on the pre-session - Representative of indigenous peoples of Papua New Guinea EN | |
| | 06-Intervention dans la pré-session Parfait DIHOUKAMBA- Peuples autochtones d'Afrique. FR | |
| | 07-Statement on the pre-forum session June LORENZO- North american caucus. On behalf of D. Littlechild EN | |
| | 08-Summary of the presentations Beverly L. LONGID- Moderator EN | |