| | 04.Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
 |  | | 1999 Open-ended inter-sessional ad hoc working group on a permanent forum for indigenous people | |
 |  | | 00-Reference & related documents | |
|  | 00-Provisional agenda = Programa provisional = Ordre du jour provisoire Commission on Human Rights- Geneva, 15-19 February 1999 EN ES FR RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | 01-Proposals :Information from indigenous organizations = Propuestas :Información de las organizaciones indígenas = Propositions : Observations communiquées par les organisations autochtones Economic and Social Council- E_CN.4_AC.47_1999_4 EN ES FR RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | 02-Proposals :Information from indigenous organizations = Propuestas :Información de las organizaciones indígenas = Propositions : Observations communiquées par les organisations autochtones Economic and Social Council- E_CN.4_AC.47_1999_4_Add.1 EN ES FR RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | 03-Proposals : Information from non-governmental organizations = Propuestas : Información recibida de organizaciones no gubernamentales = Propositions : Communications d'organisations non gouvernementales Economic and Social Council- E_CN.4_AC.47_1999_4_Add.2 EN ES FR RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | 04-Proposals : Information from Governments = Propuesta : Información recibida de gobiernos = Propositions : Communications de gouvernements Economic and Social Council- E_CN.4_AC.47_1999_4_Add.3 EN ES FR RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | 05-Compilation of suggestions on the mandate of the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Peoples Tebtebba Foundation- Based on IWGIA Document No. 91 , Copenhagen 1999 EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |