| | 03.Human Rights Council (incl. EMRIP and UPR) | |
| | | Business and Human Rights | |
| | | Forum on Business and Human Rights 2018 – 7th session | |
| | | 01-Indigenous Caucus | |
| | Declaración del Caucus de los Pueblos Indígenas Caucus indígena- ES | Indigenous Rights , Business , Self-determination , Self-government , Free, prior & informed consent , Land Rights |
| | Declaration of the Caucus ofIndigenous Peoples Indigenous Caucus- EN | Indigenous Rights , Business , Self-determination , Self-government , Free, prior & informed consent , Land Rights |
| | Déclaration du Caucus des peuples autochtones Caucus Autochtone Global- FR | |
| | Декларация Фракции коренных народов - RU | |