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cerrar esta sección de la biblioteca 2010
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Ver el documento (formato PDF) 00a-Information note for the panel of indigenous and local communities : What role does the “public domain”, or a similar concept to it, play, in your Indigenous, traditional or local community?
Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Committee. Seventeenth Session Geneva, December 6 to 10, 2010
Intellectual property , Public domain
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 00b-Nota informativa para la mesa redonda : ¿Qué papel desempeña el “dominio público”, o un concepto semejante, en la vida de su comunidad indígena, tradicional o local?
Secretaría del Comité Intergubernamental. Decimoséptima sesión, Ginebra, 6 a 10 de diciembre de 2010
Intellectual property , Public domain
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 00c-Note d’information à l’intention du groupe d’experts : Quel rôle le “domaine public” ou un concept analogue joue-t-il dans votre communauté autochtone, traditionnelle ou locale?
Secrétariat du Comité intergouvernemental. Dix-septième session, Genève, 6 - 10 décembre 2010
Intellectual property , Public domain
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 00d-информационная записка для дискуссионной группы коренных и местных общин : Какую роль «сфера общественного достояния» или аналогичная концепция играет в вашей коренной, традиционной или местной общине?
Межправительственны комитет. Семнадцатая сессия, Женева, 6-10 декабря 2010 г.
Intellectual property , Public domain
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 01-WIPO indigenous panel on the role of the public domain concept: experiences in the fields of genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions. Experiences from Canada
Gregory YOUNG-ING-
Opaskwayak Cree Nation. Creative Rights Alliance, Kelowna, Canada
GEO|Canada , Customary laws , Traditional knowledge
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 02-WIPO indigenous panel on the role of the public domain concept. Experiences from Indonesia
Miranda Risang AYU PALAR-
Legong Keraton Peliatan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
GEO|Indonesia , Traditional culture
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 03-Informal Information Session. Indigenous Peoples, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions

Traditional knowledge , Traditional culture
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 04-WIPO indigenous panel on the role of the public domain concept. Experiences from Solomon Islands
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Honiara, Solomon Islands
GEO|Solomon Islands , Public domain , Traditional knowledge
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 05-WIPO indigenous panel on the role of the public domain concept. Experiences from Nigeria
West Africa Coalition for Indigenous Peoples Rights (WACIPR)
GEO|Nigeria , Genetic resources , Traditional knowledge , Public domain