|  | 01-Opening Remarks - Doctrine of Discovery Valmaine TOKI- New Zealand. Panel EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Avances en la integración de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en el trabajo de conservación de la UICN Gonzalo OVIEDO- Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Environment , Natural resources |
|  | Comments to "Study on impact.." Anja JONASSEN- Saami Council EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Norway , Judicial system , Reindeer |
|  | Declaración Jorge RETAMAL- Corporación de Desarrollo Indigena ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Chile , Cultural identity |
|  | Declaración Aucan Huilcaman PAILLAMA- Consejo de Todas las Tierra ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Chile , IP|Mapuche , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Declaración Otilia LUX DE COTI- Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas EN ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Physical violence |
|  | Declaración - Pueblos indígenas de Abya Yala ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Extractive industries |
|  | Declaración - Foro lnternacional de Mujeres lndigenas, la Alianza de Mujeres Indigenas de Centroamérica y México, el Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indigenas de las Américas y ONUMUJERES ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Participation , Youth , Political rights |
|  | Declaraión Rogelio MERCADO DAMIAN- Pueblos Purhepecha, Nahua-Otomi ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Land , Traditional authorities |
|  | Decolonizing Pacific National Constitutions and Legal Systems Lopaka PURDY- On behalf of the Pacific Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Colonization , Land , Free, prior & informed consent , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Discurso David CRISPIN- Consejo Nacional de Ayllus y Markas de Qullasuyu (CONAMAQ) ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Autonomy , Extractive industries |
|  | The Doctrine of Discovery: lts enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests Eleanor DICTAAN-BANG-OA- Asian Indigenous Peoples Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Women , Discrimination |
|  | The Doctrines of Discovery Terra Nullius' and the legal marginalisation of indigenous peoples in contemporary Africa Agnes LEINA- lndigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Land , Pastoralism |
|  | Déclaration Albachir ABOUBACAR- Association TUNFA FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Niger , IP|Kel Tamashek , Uranium , Pastoralism |
|  | Déclaration sur Point 3 Vital BAMBANZE- IPACC FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Sexual violence , Armed conflict |
|  | Intervención Gloria LOPEZ- Subsecretaria de Estado en los Despachos de Pueblos Indígenas y Afro hondureños ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Honduras |
|  | Intervención Julio Cesar XICAY- Diputado Indígena Maya K'iche' ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Guatemala , Extractive industries , Environmental degradation , Sacred sites |
|  | Intervención Pedro SOSA- Tonatierra ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Guatemala , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervención Lloyd BUSHEY DAVIS- Comite Consultivo de Pueblos Indigenas y Afrodescendientes de Nicaragua ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Nicaragua , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervención Alfredo CHUQUIHUARA- Representante del Perú ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Peru , ILO Convention 169 |
|  | Intervención Tarcila RIVERA ZEA- Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Américas ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Discrimination , Racism |
|  | Intervención Carlos María AQUINO- En nombre de Ia Republica del Paraguay ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Paraguay , ILO Convention 169 |
|  | Intervención Rafael ARCHONDO- Representante de Bolivia ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Bolivia , Political rights |
|  | Intervención de Naleb Maria DEL ROSARIO TOJ- Delegación guatemalteca de Naleb ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Guatemala , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervención en el punto 3 : Combate a la violencia contra las mujeres y las nifras indigenas Gabriela GARDUZA- Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos lndigenas, México ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Mexico , Women , Children , Physical violence |
|  | Intervención en el punto 5 Haydée GIRON- SANCHEZ- Caucus Global de los Pueblos Indigenas ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Children , Physical violence |
|  | Intervencíon Evelyn TAYLOR- Nicaragua - Gobierno Regional Autonomo Atlantico Norte ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Nicaragua , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervention Saoudata ABOUBACRINE- Tinhinan (Burkina Faso) FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Mali , IP|Kel Tamashek |
|  | Intervention - Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervention Krysta WILLIAMS- On behalf of the Global lndigenous Youth Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervention Serena HECKLER- UNESCO EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Cultural heritage |
|  | Intervention Jacqueline Bernadette CARINO- Cordillera Peoples Alliance EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Philippines , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervention Jody BROUN- On behalf of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Australia , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Self-determination |
|  | Intervention Tina WILLIAMS- New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Australia , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Intervention Danika LITTLECHILD- lnternational lndian Treaty Council EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Treaties |
|  | Intervention o item 3, under the discussion on violence against indigenous women and girls Eva BIAUDET- Member of the UN Permanent Forum EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Children , Physical violence |
|  | Intervention on study of lP participatory mechanisms in Arctic Council Serena HECKLER- UNESCO EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Biological diversity , Cultural diversity |
|  | Introduction of Study Dalee Sambo DOROUGH- Member of the PF EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Arctic |
|  | Intrvención María Paulina DÁVILA- Ministra Consejera de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Colombia , Participation |
|  | Joint lntervention Mick GOODA- Australian Human Rights Commission EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Australia , Political rights , Discrimination |
|  | Joint lntervention Brian WYATT- On behalf of the lndigenous People's Organisation's (lPO) Network of Australia EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Australia , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Joint Satement. Item 3 Combating Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls Jeannette CORBIERE LAVELL- Native Women's Association of Canada; Assembly of First Nations; Chiefs of Ontario; National Association of Friendship Centres; Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action; Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies; Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers); Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee); and Amnesty International EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Canada , Women , Children , Physical violence |
|  | Joint Statement Meenakshi MUNDA- Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Netwrok Philippines; Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, India & Adivasi Buililhijiai Manch (Indigenous Intellectual Forum), Ranchi India. Bhaiya Ram Munda Foundatiory Ranchi India. EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|India , Self-government , Political rights |
|  | Joint Statement Joseph Marianus KUJUR- On behalf of Adivasi Vijaya Samajic Sanstha (Tribal Welfare Society), Indian Social Institute, and Chotanagpur Rising Association EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|India , Women , Sexual violence |
|  | Joint Statement Dea DELANEY THIELE- On behalf of the lndigenous People's Organisation's (lPO) Network of Australia EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Australia , Political rights |
|  | Joint Statement - On behalf of The San Carlos Inneh-Apache Community, the Tohono O'odham Voice against the Wall, the Lipan Inneh-Apache Women's Defense, the Chihene Indeh Nation, and the Save the Peaks Movement EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Borders , Sacred sites , GEO|United States of America , IP|Apache |
|  | Joint Statement - lnternational Public organization Foundation for research and Support of lndigenous Peoples of Crimea And Crimean Tatar PeoPle's Front EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Ukraine , IP|Tatar , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Joint Statement Shawn ATLEO (Chief) - Assembly of First Nations, Chiefs of Ontario, Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee), Amnesty International, Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Canada , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | New Zealand’s constitutional review process Jane FLETCHER- New Zealand Permanent Mission to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|New Zealand |
|  | Panel Discussion Presentation Moana JACKSON- Maori Legal Service EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Panel Discussion Presentation. “The Doctrine of Extinguishment” Robert A. WILLIAMS Jr.- University of Arizona Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Ponencia Saul Vicente VASQUEZ- ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Report Andrea CARMEN- International Indian Treaty Council EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Health , Contamination |
|  | Statement Mangal Kumar CHAKMA- Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Bangladesh , Chittagong Hill Tracts , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement Sonia HECKADON- UNFPA EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Discrimination , Sexual violence |
|  | Statement Ioannis VRAILAS- Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Discrimination , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Statement Celia HERRERA RODRIGUEZ- La Red Xicana Indigena EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , Women |
|  | Statement Maria Teresa MESQUITA PESSÔA- Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Brazil , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement Mikhail POGODAEV- World Reindeer Herders' Association EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Arctic , Reindeer |
|  | Statement Tarcila RIVERA ZEA- Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Américas ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Youth , Physical violence |
|  | Statement Anna NAYKANCHINA- RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement Ipul POWASEU- Indigenous Disabled People's Organizations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Discrimination , Disabilities |
|  | Statement Marten GRUNDITZ- Permanent Representative of Sweden EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Sweden , GEO|Arctic , Environment |
|  | Statement David LAWSON- UNFPA Representative to the Republic of Congo EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) , Political rights |
|  | Statement Russian Federation- Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement Antonette CORDERO- Global lndigenous Women's Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement Brighton Dawn FINGER- Global Indigenous Youth Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Youth , Participation |
|  | Statement - North American Indigenous Peoples Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , GEO|Canada , GEO|United States of America |
|  | Statement Jane FLETCHER- New Zealand Permanent Mission to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|New Zealand , IP|Maori , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement Pauline SUKHAI- Minister Of Amerindian Affairs Of The Republic Of Guyana EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Guyana , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement Ashur S. EKRYA- Assyrian Aid Society AR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement - North America Indigenous Peoples Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Physical violence |
|  | Statement Breann CROUSE- Salamanca High School Model UNPFII EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|United States of America , Doctrine of Discovery , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Statement Masenjana SIBANDZE- Representing South Africa EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|South Africa , IP|San , IP|Khoisan , Land |
|  | Statement Leon Oma TSAMKGAO- San Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|South Africa , IP|San , Women , Physical violence |
|  | Statement Nina NORDSTRÖM- Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Finland , Women , Children , Physical violence |
|  | Statement - Tonatierra EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement Pratap Singh NACHHIRING- Tribal Link Foundation EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Nepal , ILO Convention 169 , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Statement Rodion SULYANDZIGA- Russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North (RAIPON) RU | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Arctic , Climate change |
|  | Statement. Indigenous participatory mechanisms in The Arctic Council, The Circumpolar Inuit Declaration on Resource Development in Inuit Nunaat and the Laponia Management System Aqqaluk LYNGE- Artic Caucus. on behalf of the Sami Council and Inuit Circumpolar Council EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Participation |
|  | Statement = Intervention on item 3 Daniel RICARD- Permanent Representative of Canada EN FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Canada , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement on item 3 Beatrice DUNCAN- UNICEF EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement on item 3 Arthur MANUEL- Global Indigenous Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement on item 3 Olav Mathis EIRA- Arctic Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Statement on item 3 Jarmo VIINANEN- Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Finland , IP|Saami , Political rights |
|  | Statement on item 3 Tonya Gonnella FRICHNER- American Indian Law Alliance EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
|  | Statement on item 3 John SCOTT- Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Genetic resources , Traditional knowledge |
|  | Statement on item 3 Marianne Lykke THOMSEN- Government of Greenland. Permanent Mission of Denmark EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement on item 3 Kate GUMLEY- Australian Delegation EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement on item 3 Job MORRIS- San Caucus from Southern Africa EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|South Africa , IP|San , Doctrine of Discovery , Extractive industries |
|  | Statement on item 3 Raja Devasish ROY- Member of the Permanent Forum EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Stateme nt on item 3 Migdalia PELLICIER- Project Access Global Training Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Free, prior & informed consent |
|  | Statement on item 3 : Combating Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls Sandra CREAMER- Global Indigenous Women's Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement on item 3. Report on the expert group meeting: combating violence against indigenous women and girls Anmoy Kiron CHAKMA- Kapaeeng Foundation, Jatiya Adivasi Parishad, Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum, United Confederation Of Taino Peoples, Asia Indigenous Women’s Network, Jaringan Orang Asal Se Malaysia (JOAS), Jumchab Metta Foundation EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Women , Children , Physical violence |
|  | Statement on item 3 : violence against women - Project Global Access Training EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery Oren R. LYONS (Chief)- On behalf of the Haudenosaunee (the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Doctrine of Discovery |
|  | Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery (and Biocolonialism) - Global Indigenous Youth Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | Statement on Violence Against Women Jane FLETCHER- New Zealand Permanent Mission to the United Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
|  | UNPFII: National Constitutions and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Tine Morch SMITH - Representing Norway EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , GEO|Norway , IP|Saami , Political rights |