| | Allocution Vital BAMBANZE- Unissons nous pour la promotion des Batwa (UNIPROBA) FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Batwa , Health , Discrimination |
| | Collective Statement Les MALEZER- On behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), Foundation For Aboriginal and Islander Research Action (FAIRA), National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Services Secretariat (NAILSS), National Secretariat of Torres Strait Islander Organisations, Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Suicide |
| | Indigenous Peoples and Health : a Briefing Paper = Pueblos indígenas y salud : documento informativo - Committee on Indigenous Health With Annex EN ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health |
| | Intervención Nelly AYENAO- Organización Mapuche Consejo de Todas las Tierras de Chile ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Development , Self-determination |
| | Intervención Margarita GUTIERREZ- Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Traditional medicine , Enforced sterilization |
| | Intervención Aroldo CAYÚN ANTICURA- Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena, Chile ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Traditional medicine |
| | Intervención Sandra LAND- OPS - OMS ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Cultural diversity |
| | Joint Statement Hassan Id BALKASSM- On behalf of IPACC (African Indigenous Peoples Coordinating Committee), the World Amazigh Congress ( World Amazigh Association) and the Tamaynut Association EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , IP|Amazigh , Health |
| | Joint Statement Ron LAMEMAN- International Indian Treaty Council and Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Treaties , Environmental degradation , Multi-national corporations |
| | Joint Statement Lu'ukia ARCHER- Ka Lahui Hawai'i and Na Koa Ikaika О Ka Lahui Hawai'i EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Traditional medicine , Malnutrition , Diseases |
| | Por el reconocimiento de nuestras practicas de salud indígena Carlos MAMANI CONDORI- Taller de Historia Oral Andina Chukiyawu - Qullasuyu ES | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Traditional medicine , Colonization |
| | Special Rapporteur's Summary on Health of Indigenous Peoples Mililani TRASK- Permanent Forum Member EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Poverty , Land , Malnutrition |
| | Statement Wariara MBUGUA - United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Women , Discrimination |
| | Statement Adrian STIMSON (Chief)- Siksika Nation of the Blackbart Confederacy EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Mental health |
| | Statement - Haudenosaunee EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health , Traditional medicine , Traditional culture |
| | Statement Keith CONN- Delegation of Canada EN FR | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health |
| | Statement Roy LAIFUNGBAM- Committee on Indigenous Health of the Indigenous Peoples' Caucus EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Health |
| | Statement Famark HLAWNCHING- Chin Human Rights Organization EN | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , HIV/AIDS , Diseases |