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Ver el documento (formato PDF) C107 Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention = Convenio sobre poblaciones indígenas y tribuales = Convention relative aux populations aborigènes et tribales
International Labour Organisation -
Session of the Conference : 40. Date of adoption: 26.06.1957. Revised in 1989 by Convention No. 169
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal People Convention No. 169
International Labour Organisation -

EN -
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Indigenous and Tribal Peoples' Rights in Practice
International Labour Organisation -

EN -
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Indigenous Peoples Living and Working Conditions of Aboriginal Populations in Independent Countries
International Labour Organisation -

EN -
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Les Populations Aborigènes Conditions de vie et de travail des populations autochtones des pays indépendants
Bureau International du Travail -

FR -
Ver el documento (formato PDF) A Manual : ILO Convention on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples 169

EN -
ILO Convention 169
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Poblaciones Indígenas Condiciones de vida y de trabajo de los pueblos autóctones de los paìses independientes
Oficina Internacional del Trabajo -

ES -
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Understanding the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 No.169
International Labour Organisation -

EN -