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Ver el documento (formato PDF) 01a-Working with Special Rapporteur For human rights and Social Justice
Shankar LIMBU -
Presented during the UNPFII, may 2013
EN -
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people
Ver el documento (formato PDF) 01b-Работа со Специальным докладчиком по вопросам прав человека и социальной справедливости
Shankar LIMBU -
Presented during the UNPFII, may 2013
RU -
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Les peuples autochtones à l’ONU
Docip -

FR -
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , Expert Mechanism on the Right of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) , ILO Convention 169 , UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Ver el documento (formato PDF) Procédures Spéciales des Nations Unies - Le Rapporteur Spécial sur les droits des peuples autochtones
Claire Morclette -

FR -
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples